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Carnage in Paris

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Carnage in Paris  Empty Carnage in Paris

Post by amugs Fri Nov 13, 2015 5:33 pm

35 believed dead, concerted staged attack.

100 plus hostages taken.

Chaos all over Paris.

Why did they let 15k undocumented refugees in from Syria, sorry but a few at least where of terrorists.

Prayers for the French

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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by amugs Fri Nov 13, 2015 5:35 pm

Hit in staged attacks, gunmen blend back into population. Marshall law needs to be imposed on the city

AKA:King: Snow Weenie
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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by snow247 Fri Nov 13, 2015 7:22 pm

Death toll now at 100 Sad

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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by amugs Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:16 pm

This is just absolutely disgusting. 158 dead and Marshall law imposed. Military in Paris only 1500 troops though.

AKA:King: Snow Weenie
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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by docstox12 Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:50 pm

This is just horrible! You go out with your family to dinner and this happens.Your kids go to a concerts and are mercilessly shot to pieces.
Tears roll down my face now.

Peace and God Bless all those in France.

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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by Frank_Wx Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:58 pm

Death toll keeps rising Sad

Prayers to the families impacted by this horrific trajedy. Europe, and likely the U.S., need to answer back at ISIS. Or Al Queada.


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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by amugs Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:34 pm

Frank_Wx wrote:Death toll keeps rising Sad

Prayers to the families impacted by this horrific trajedy. Europe, and likely the U.S., need to answer back at ISIS. Or Al Queada.

This is absolute from the thousands of refugees from Syria who have been allowed to walk into such countries undocumented. Please do not be so ignorant to think other wise peeps. Two of my sources one secret service and the other a high ranking homeland security official text me after this happened and said ISIS and Syrian terrorists will be the ones when all is said and done.

We will be next if we don't take some serious action. So many attempts have been foiled that we do not know about. I was privy to learn about two that would have rocked this country to it core if the plan happened. Just like Paris but in various major cities across America tand suburbua to give u some insight.

Sorry but I have no use for them.

AKA:King: Snow Weenie
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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by Math23x7 Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:45 pm

This is video footage from Stade de France during a soccer match when the explosion was heard:


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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by docstox12 Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:56 pm

Yep, They have done a good job all these years,except for the Boston Marathon bombers.

You talk about serious action? In this PC correct oh so celebrating diversity country? HA! PC correctness and "cultural diversity" will be the rope Western Civilization hangs itself on as we see in France.Glad I'm 65 years old and looking at the finish line.
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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by snow247 Fri Nov 13, 2015 10:50 pm

docstox12 wrote:Yep, They have done a good job all these years,except for the Boston Marathon bombers.

You talk about serious action? In this PC correct oh so celebrating diversity country? HA! PC correctness and "cultural diversity" will be the rope Western Civilization hangs itself on as we see in France.Glad I'm 65 years old and looking at the finish line.

Very well said and I completely agree. This world is definitely heading the wrong way. It's a shame and a scary thing to see especially for young people like me.
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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by docstox12 Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:34 pm

Well, snow247, evil is part of life.In the 50's, we would duck under our desks preparing for a Russian Communist nuclear attack.1962 Cuban Missile Crisis we were this close to being blown to atoms.President Kennedy on a tv broadcast threatened nuclear war if the commies didn't turn their navy around.Imagine how a 12 year old kid (me) took that broadcast!My point is, there will always be evil out to destroy our country like the Japanese and Germans tried.It is up to our President, congress and our people to face up to it and deal with it like in the past.We have the ability to destroy this menace.Let's see how it goes after the France attack.
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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by amugs Sat Nov 14, 2015 7:28 am


Very wise and truthful posts. I could not agree with you more. As a teacher I have to withhold my opinion or beliefs at times with our PC society. IF we do not throw this attitude, philosophy to the curb we are in serious trouble. 10K migrants from Syria undocumented - what do you expect will happen - all of them are peaceful? Then you are ignorant. The Austrians have the right idea and I applaud them in today's world - keep your borders closed to these regions of the world where WE KNOW TERRORISTS are made. ISIS and this Jihad Crusade (yes it is here peeps all about religion that is the root for thousands of years) will look to slaughter each and every non western ideology human and non Muslim.

Wake up people haven't we seen enough in the last 30 years - Iranian hostages to Lebanon Marine Barracks to Us Embassy bombings in Africa to 9-11 to Madrid train bombings to London bombings to Paris attacks now. I am sorry but I was done a LONNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG time ago with this.

AKA:King: Snow Weenie
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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by docstox12 Sat Nov 14, 2015 7:51 am

Agree 100% with you Paisan Mugsy!This Jihad has been going on a long time, Persian invasion of Greece, attempted invasions of Europe, terrorism....

At this time of war, we must stop all muslim immigration to the USA because, sadly, it is impossible to know who is the enemy and who is not.When the moderate and reasonable muslims rise up around the world and stamp out this violent extremeism in their ranks THEMSELVES, we will consider opening up our doors again.Only the moderate muslims can truly win this thing by cleaning up their act.I say that with all seriousness because if this Paris stuff happens here, I know some extremely right wing militia types who are going to start blowing up mosques.It will get ugly very fast!

I woke up today very sad about the poor souls in Paris, over 120 innocent souls exterminated for hatred.God Bless their suffering family members with peace and healing.
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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by Guest Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:12 am

I LOVE YOU GUYS. YOU'RE SO RIGHT. I never thought I'd say this but I might move to Russia. Their leader has balls and I have no questions about his roots or where his interests lie. Ban Immigration of muslims and begin mass deportations of all people currently in the US legally or not from any nation that Islamic terrorists originate from. Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad


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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by sroc4 Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:22 pm

When you guys have the time consider reading through this article. Its very interesting.

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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by Guest Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:23 pm

I read the article. I could care less about these animals. I care about my life and that of my family in my country with my values. Doesn't at all change my opinion of terrorists or their religion.


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Carnage in Paris  Empty Re: Carnage in Paris

Post by Dunnzoo Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:46 pm


Yeah, all refugees are innocent....riiiiight.


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