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Warmest February on record and 6th warmest winter on record

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Warmest February on record and 6th warmest winter on record Empty Warmest February on record and 6th warmest winter on record

Post by Math23x7 Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:00 pm

February 2017 will finish at 41.6 degrees for CPK, surpassing February 2012's 40.9 degrees.

Using the calculations I put in, the 2016-17 winter should finish at 39.25, though rounding it up would be 39.3, 6th on record.

On a side note, while 1990-91 was before this winter the sixth warmest winter on record, it was not at 39.2. I looked at the archived monthly tables and saw the mean temperature during this time was actually around 39.1.

Regardless, it was quite warm, especially down the stretch.

I mentioned this before but if you take the eight warmest winters on record for NYC going back to 1869-70, seven of them have occurred in my lifetime, and I am 26 years old.

And tomorrow's forecast high in the low 70s doesn't really help March get off to a good start.

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Warmest February on record and 6th warmest winter on record Empty Re: Warmest February on record and 6th warmest winter on record

Post by dkodgis Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:28 am

I did not check the numbers, but I guess Math can update this thread because wasn't this February the warmest in the HV?
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