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March 14th storm

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March 14th storm Empty March 14th storm

Post by Puff the magic dragon Fri Mar 10, 2017 5:29 pm

What is the timing as of now when storm develops for eastern Nassau/western Suffolk county {Melville NY}. Work at night, and driving..

Puff the magic dragon

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March 14th storm Empty Re: March 14th storm

Post by sroc4 Fri Mar 10, 2017 5:46 pm

Timing for the storm is still not nailed down.  That will become more clear as we head towards Sunday morning.  Rather then start a new thread for one question, in the future please ask these questions in the designated storm thread, or even the Banter thread as I know the storm thread can fill up fast and the question could get lost.   Best guess right now would be about Monday evening sometime after midnight into early Tuesday morning for start time

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