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Support NJ Strong Development

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Support NJ Strong Development Empty Support NJ Strong Development

Post by Frank_Wx Fri Oct 18, 2019 3:02 pm

Dear Members -

There are several features that come with this forum, that use to be free, but no longer are. Forumotion is now offering "Free, Advanced, and Premium" packages. The main difference between Advanced and Premium is Premium allows me to remove the Forumotion copyright, keep my njstrong name (or I need to use their domain name), and (most importantly) remove ads for members and guests. The "Free" package does not offer any of these things and basically things stay the way they are. However, once we run out of storage it could have negative impact on how we try to operate.

The cost is roughly $100/year to be on their Premium package. I've been maintaining the forum on my own by spending roughly $20-$30/year, but the cost has increased to a point where I am seeing assistance if anyone is willing to offer it. I do not want to pressure anyone, this is simply a mere ask. The good thing about Premium is unlimited storage, NO ads, and you will receive push notifications if you wish. Think of them as the Newsletter I send except now it would be a direct alert to your mobile device.

If you wish to contribute, follow the screenshot below. Basically click the "Contribution" link in the bottom right of the website.

Support NJ Strong Development Contri10

Even $5 or $10 here and there could help us out! Thank you in advance to those who choose to contribute.


CLICK HERE to view NJ Strong Snowstorm Classifications
Godzilla Seeker
Godzilla Seeker

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Support NJ Strong Development Empty Re: Support NJ Strong Development

Post by Frank_Wx Sat Oct 26, 2019 10:41 am

I want to thank those who have contributed. It truly means a lot to me!!


CLICK HERE to view NJ Strong Snowstorm Classifications
Godzilla Seeker
Godzilla Seeker

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Age : 32
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Support NJ Strong Development Empty Re: Support NJ Strong Development

Post by frank 638 Sat Oct 26, 2019 10:30 pm

Hey frank I hope everything is going well with you . I will send a Donation by this Wednesday or Thursday and I just want to say thank you so much for all your hard work u do hopefully we will have a get together soon ciao

frank 638
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