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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Empty OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:11 pm

The current Directors and Officers of OTI - Updated January 30, 2023

The Founding Fathers:

Docstox12 - Unretired Jan 1, 2023
Director of Parliament
Director of the OTI Sanitarium
Has also taken on unofficial titles during the four year radiation crisis, temporary Director of the Coconut Lounge, tourism, and other various posts.

CPcantmeasuresnow - Unretired Jan 1, 2023
Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler
Director of the Treasury
Recently unofficially changed his name from the no longer relevant CPcantmeasuresnow, how can someone scroo up snow measuerments when there's nothing to measure, to Wintercoldandsnowareamyth

The second wave of Immigrants

Math23x7 -Director of Technology.
Still retains his position when he shows up. Falsely accused of Torch Mongering he overcame nearly being exiled to rise to his current position.

Billg315 - Unretired Jan 1, 2023
Chief Justice and Excellent Inquisitor
One month into his job he was already being referred to as the Oliver Wendell Holmes of OTI.

DKodgis - Assistant Director of the Coconut Lounge appointed Jan 2023 - Working under Docstox until his citizenship tests are completed and passed.
After years of postings finally took up permanent residence and an official position. Also one of the biggest boosters of the Orange Othelia Epic.

Dunzoo - Directory of EMT as of January 29, 2023 -Temporary until her citizenship tests are completed and passed.
The only person to decline a government post. Offered the queens throne on page 1 she refused. Three months later another Westwood resident was removed as King. OTI declared war on Westwood in retaliation.
Has since seen the light and taken a position as Director of EMT services

Assumed Retired or Missing

AMugs - Original Founding Father, Retired soon after the opening
Exiled when he couldn't produce any meaningful snow during the late February 2014 to December 2014 snow drought. His gift of the Snow Queen turned the fortunes around for the Mainland for the January 2015 through March 2015 snow bonanza when over 50 inches fell during the period. His place in history was restored by this extraordinary feat.

Snow Man - Original Founding Father, Missing, presumed retired
Chief Security Officer
Does not show his face anymore, but he's always watching incognito for people that cross the boundaries

TheAresian - Retired
Director of the Coconut Lounge and Head Bouncer
A meteoric rise from visitor, to citizen, to Head Bouncer, to Director all within a 1 month period. A meteoric fall after the Farmer Jones daughters and censorship scandal. Still a legend on the Island to this very day.

Thundersnow/Grselig - Retired
First Culinary Arts and Hospitality Head Person. Still an active poster but the Directorship was not his cup of tea.

Taffy - Retired
First Director of Tourism and Immigration. Moved to that place we don't talk about and has been seen rarely since.

Syosnow94 - Retired - The mental strain was to much, went off the deep end.
Former Director of Mental Health

SnowQueen - Not seen since censored 2017 or thereabouts
Sent here as a peace offering by Ex King Mugs after his exile for snowhyping fantasy storms that never came about
No official capacity except to stroll OTI in her bikini made of snow, which somehow never melts, though many have tried.

Mainland Royalty

The Emperor of everything, who gave OTI life in March 2014 and autonomy in February 2017

- First OTI Academy Award Winner and Hall of fame inductee - He declined both with good reasoning and no offense taken by the OTI Directors.

The Vice Emperor who occasionally visits and maintains order when necessary, looks to be setting up semi permanent residency here as of January 2023

Updated January 30, 2023

I pledge allegiance to OTI
Of the Off Topic Island Republic
And to Dunzoo and Damian too
And Sroc and Directors that come and go
One nation under Docstox
Indivisible except by CP
With Math23x7 and Billg for all


Last edited by CPcantmeasuresnow on Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:07 am; edited 78 times in total
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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Empty Re: OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

Post by docstox12 Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:35 am

CP, this is absolutely EXCELLENT as our first order of business as requested by Emperor Frank.This will be posted in Parliament in the form of a highly polished bronze sign at the main entrance to the Parliament Building as the first compilation of Executive Officers in our Islands history as per Independence Day.
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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Empty Re: OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Tue Feb 14, 2017 2:24 pm

I thought this would be a good place to store some of our historical documents. Below is a copy of the announcement sent out to prepare for our first Independence day celebration two years ago. Some references here are outdated but I left the document intact to preserve it's historic value.

A reminder to everyone that March 21, 2015, we will be
celebrating Independence Day here on OTI.

It was almost one year ago, that a band of renegade bloggers from the Mainland were exiled, justifiably and with good reason, by Emperor Frank who was supported by the armies of Sir Sroc, to a small island located off the Mainland thread that they gave the name Off-Topic Island which is still affectionately to this day referred to by the natives as OTI.

Left to fend for themselves, the Founding 4, or Core 4 as the Yankee announcers refer to them, quickly established a Parliamentary form of government. The first OTI anthem, “The home of the three and the land of the knave” is currently being rewritten to include our two newest citizens.

The Parliament is headed by the astute and affable DocStox. Like many politicians Doc is great at speeches and sometimes short on results. As an example one year later the Island still has no hammocks despite Docs sincere promises that they are coming any day. Docs oratory can be Lincolnesque and at other times Seinfeld like. With only these few minor flaws the Doc has a very high approval rating among the citizenry of OTI.

We also crowned a king, who was later replaced in a nonviolent coup when he couldn't produce any meaningful snow from March 2014 through to the end of December 2014. To his credit, the kind but incompetent Monarch Mugsy retained his benevolent manner, even after his overthrow. He brought to the island a beautiful Queen dressed only in a bikini made of snow. Since that stroke of genius, abundant snowfall has returned to the Mainland, and the civil unrest and rioting that had sporadically marred every sector of OTI during the snow drought months, quickly came to an end.

The Islands currency was recently established based on coconuts and bananas. Now granted edible currency has its drawbacks. In just one night our esteemed Knight Templar Sir Snow Man went from the wealthiest man on the Island to a poor homeless fellow living in a hollowed out log, all because of one midnight eating binge after smoking to many banana peels.

We now live in a land that is tranquil and thriving. Our population during the last year, thanks to our liberal immigration policy, has grown by 50%. The female citizen population on OTI has grown immeasurably from 0 to 2, with the additions of her grace the Queen and Taffy. Enough now about our history, as I didn't mean this to become a history lesson.

The visitor log over the last year now exceeds 7000. Granted, many of these visits have been from illegals who have not gone through the proper channels of the OTI Tourist and Immigration Board, but as long as these people spend their coconuts and bananas here on OTI we tend to look the other way.

If you wish to join us for our Independence Day party on March 21 or if you wish to apply for citizenship on OTI please contact the Director of Immigration and Tourism ex King Mugsy. A written test is required which will cover the 16 pages of OTI history chronicled in this thread. Our newest citizen Taffy set the bar very high by passing her citizenry test with a perfect score of 100%.

If you become a citizen here, there are also certain rules that must be adhered to. Most important is the non-mega-posting and non-weather related rules. If you want to talk about impending storms, past storms, near misses, slop storms, warm weather advection, virga, anti-virga, subsidence, dry slots, great lakes cutters, or any other subjects that can cause snowmania or snowpression than OTI is not the place for you.

I hope to see you all here on Independence Day.

Sincerely Yours,

CP CantMeasure Snow
OTI - Director of the Treasury
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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Empty Re: OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:05 am

As per the Director of Parliament we shall document our war on OSIS (OTI Sectarian Island Separatists) in our historical documents section. The Judicial order by our Chief Justice and Excellent Inquisitor Billg may go down in OTI history as the shot heard round the Island.

docstox12 wrote:
CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:I received a very ominous warning from OSIS (OTIan Sectarian Island Separatists) this morning. It said and I quote, "Should the Coconut Lounge continue as a morality free zone we the member of OSIS will wage a holy fruit war with the pagan citizens of OTI. If you want to continue in your decadent ways prepare to be attacked and violated by your own currency".

I woke up this morning with a banana in places it was not meant to be with this note attached to my hut door. Apparently this group, which from their note appears at this time to be a group of just one is to be taken seriously. SNOWMAN where are you, you're our only hope.

CP, a video was sent to me at Parliament Building of a black hooded OSIS operative cutting the top off of a bannana.I will send the film to SNOW MAN for his analysis and instructions.With Aresian as Director of the Coconut Lounge and Parliament supplying every need and effort to him, we can assure that this will be a morality free zone in perpetutum! No OSIS thugs will ever intimidate or threaten that status, over my cold dead body!!!

Parliament grants IMMEDIATELY Aresians promotion as a Director formally assuming the title of Head Bouncer and grants him authority to assume the role of Head Chef which Greslig has unceremoniously abandoned.Your intuitive skill at recognizing candidates for OTI Citizenship and Directorship, your statement that Aresian ( "has OTI written all over him") never ceases to amaze Parliament and you, CP, will go down in the annals of OTI History as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin have in the Mainland.

billg315 wrote:JUDICIAL ORDER
Whereas, there has been a recent spike in OSIS activity including banana torture, mango mutilation, and coconut conspiracies; and
Whereas, members of OSIS have engaged in a campaign of terroristic threats against island inhabitants; and
Whereas, OSIS is on the OTI Judicial List of known terrorist organizations; and
Whereas, if OSIS continues to destroy bananas, mangos and coconuts and place them in places they should not be, we may have to switch to "cow currency" which besides being impractical is probably a threat to further enhance the global warming that has caused much instability on the island this winter; and
Whereas, the warm, largely snow-less winter has caused a spike in mainland immigration to this island, thereby making it easier for OSIS to enter in stealth to plot their nefarious plots; and
Whereas, this is a clear and present danger to the safety and security of this island, its inhabitants, its businesses (i.e. the Coconut Lounge) and our economic stability;
Therefore it is ORDERED as follows:
1. Island Security is hereby authorized to implement EXTREME VETTING for any mainland visitors entering the island;
2. Island Security is hereby authorized to treat OSIS as enemy combatants outside the realm of OTI legal protections;
3. A new detention facility, on the sub-island of OTITMO, is authorized for the temporary or permanent detention of confirmed OSIS members.
Respectfully Submitted,
Chief Justice and Excellent Inquisitor

Last edited by CPcantmeasuresnow on Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Empty Re: OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:29 pm

Below we list one of the groundbreaking legal cases on OTI decided on March 21, 2017 by the honorable Chief Justice Billg315. His writing speaks for itself.

Case of
People of OTI v.s. TheAresian
People of OTI v.s. Syosnow
Issued March 21, 2017

We have a number of allegations here. So, ahem. Let’s start from the very beginning. A very good place to start. When you read you begin with A, B, C. When you judge you begin with Snow, Rain, Beach. Snow, Rain, Beach.

We must have snow before we have rain, which we have before we head to the beach. That is the proper order of weather each year around here. Winter Snow. Then Spring Rain. Then Sunny Summer beach and fishing days. None are to be unnecessarily rushed. It is perfectly alright to enjoy Spring Showers to help you grow May Flowers, or grass that you can charge people to cut.  It also is perfectly alright to enjoy the beach or fishing in warm weather.  It is not, however, on OTI, acceptable to hasten an end to the SNOW season to get to these other events. They will come soon enough, and last long enough, without wishing away our precious snow days. And since we can get major snowstorms in March and measurable snowfall into early April, wishing for warm weather and an end to the snow season prior to that is hasty. In fact, on this island, it is criminal in nature.

So let’s examine the two distinct charges. First against the Aresian.  It has been submitted in evidence that the Aresian stated as follows (and this appears to this Court uncontested):
TheAresian wrote: "It's late enough in the season that I'm being all or nothing. So either this storm can drop a foot of snow or it can move along.
The 6z has me slated for around 3 inches. If the choice is between 3 or even 6 inches and nothing, I'll take the nothing. 6 inches this time of year would be melted in 2 days."

A fair reading of this statement is simple. Aresian is hoping for a foot of snow. That is great. And had he left it there all would be well. But, and this is critical. He did not leave it there.  He proceeded to say that 3 or even 6 inches was essentially worthless to him and he’d rather have nothing. With all due respect, 6” is a significant snowfall. And I don’t recall where the time it takes for snow to melt AFTER a storm detracting from the joy of watching a snowstorm. On the day it snows, watching the snow fall, being whipped by the winter winds, coating everything in a beautiful covering of white, it is completely irrelevant at that moment whether in three days it will melt. Enjoy it for what it is. "Nothing" or God Forbid "Rain," is never better than 6” of snow, nor even 3” of snow. If he said getting "nothing" is better than freezing rain or sleet I’d understand. But snow I do not.

However, this is not Springmongering, primarily because TheAresian never said he doesn’t want anymore snow this season, just that this particular storm could pass him by. If he had said, arguendo, “If I don’t get a foot of snow, bring on May and the flower bloom,”  then THAT would be Springmongering.

Therefore I find TheAresian NOT GUILTY of “Springmongering”, but GUILTY of a lesser charge of Reckless Snowslaughter. Recklessly wishing for a storm to drop nothing which could lead to the untimely death of the hopes of snowlovers for even a few inches of snow.

His punishment is a one-night ban from the Coconut Lounge and a restraining order preventing him from having any contact with Wildebeasts or TREES, for a period of one month.

Now the second allegation is against Syosnow who is alleged to have uttered the following statement:
"Doc I hope it melts fast. Sorry. I don't want muddy high rivers and streams for the April 1st trout opener."

The evidence appears uncontested that he stated this. So is this Springmongering? Not exactly. He is hoping for better conditions for a distinct date and event, in this case the April 1st trout opener. I would analogize this to a groom and bride in January wishing for no large snowstorms on their wedding day as it would destroy a day they had long planned for and possibly endanger family and friends traveling to their event. It may raise an eyebrow, but it is excusable, provided that they are hoping for a snowstorm the day AFTER their wedding. It doesn't mean they are hoping for an early Spring. So, as long as Syosnow is hoping for more snow after April 1st, he can be excused for hoping for no snow melt impacts on April 1st.  It is, however, never good to wish for snow to melt fast so I would say this is probably a violation of some sort. But more a minor violation like a traffic ticket or code violation.

Therefore I will simply fine Syos one mango and one banana for the code offense of “careless snowmelting.”

These are the findings of this Court.

Respectfully Submitted,
Chief Justice and Excellent Inquisitor
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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Empty Re: OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:13 am

The Director of Technologies post from 3/31/17 summing up our winter and addressing and solving the mystery of the last post phenomenon which through research, perseverance, experimentation and government research dollars has finally been solved. We shall all rest easier during the summer recess because of it.

Math23x7 wrote:It has been well over a week since I got a response from Upton that they would review the snow totals from 1/7 and 1/14. And we are getting to the planned 4/1 OTI recess. If they somehow change the totals come April, will the reparations to CP from the Conservancy take place then or will it have to wait until the fall. We all know he had to spend an ample amount of time in the Sanitarium for the ridiculous snow reports. Billg already has the documents in place, which he issued last January (well done Bill). We are just anxious as to what the judge (in this case, Upton) has to say.

Also, this post will unfortunately get overlooked. Why? Because it is the last post of the fifth page of the Phase II thread. Once the next post is up, both the citizens and the tourists will not know that there was a relatively new post right before it. You see, using what is on this forum from emperor Frank, the total number of posts is equal to the number of replies plus one, since the one is the initial post of the thread. Now, after this post, it will have 124 replies, for 125 posts (whereas before it was 123 replies, for 124 posts). And since there are 25 posts per page, the fifth page will be filled up. Let me put in a rule of thumb. Let the number on the reply counter = x. If x ≡ 23 (mod 25) right before you make your post, then know that your post will be quickly forgotten. For those of you who did not major in math, in other words, before this post there were 123 replies. When you divide 123 by 25, the remainder is 23.

In short, this post is meant to emphasize a scenario of the snowfall revision taking place in April, but no one (outside of the first poster) will seem to care about it Sad

This has been a somewhat of a decent winter we just had as it had its moments in December, January, February, and March something that none of the prior seven winters (including the 4 50"+ winters) could do. It's unfortunate, however, that a large chunk if it featured unseasonable warmth and a storm that under-performed in snow totals in select locations (including my own) in mid-March.

Anyway, this may be my last post before the pending Government Recess begins. The Kingdom thread may be locked for the next six months but I will leave it up to the founders to decide. Barring any surprises, see you next fall!

Over and out.

Director of Technology
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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Empty Re: OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Fri Jan 05, 2018 7:09 am



On January 15, 2017 this Honorable Court, in a legal action against NOAA, the National Weather Service, The Central Park Conservancy, the Wildlife Conservation Society (in its role as manager of the Central Park Zoo), the City of New York, et al, made the following findings:
There has been a persistent under measurement of official snowfall totals in Central Park dating back many years, perhaps decades. This has led to tainted official snowfall totals for the City of New York. The evidence showed that in many snowstorms over the years measurements at surrounding reporting stations including JFK, LGA, EWR, have been significantly higher than CPK despite the fact that they virtually surround this reporting station (Appendix One 2016 seasonal totals from last March show: 31.6" for CPK, while LGA is 35.6, JFK 40.9, and EWR 36.2; in the most recent storm they show respectively, 5.1", 7.0, 8.2, 5.8 ). Additionally, scientific analysis reported by Math23X7 showed that in a recent storm between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. the Conservancy reported .7" of snow fell, despite radar showing heavy banding over the city, and a qpf of .11" fell during that time frame with high ratios.
As a result of these findings legal action was pursued. Since that time, Central Park's record of snow accumulation reporting initially improved, but has been spotty at best.
During today's epic East Coast snowstorm, Math23X7 was dispatched to Central Park, measuring equipment in hand. He obtained an accurate, verifiable measurement. Subsequently, CPK updated its initial snow measurement in accord with that snow accumulation recorded by Math. It is therefore clear to this Court that when the Conservancy's feet are held to the fire -- or the ice, as the case may be -- they can be incentivized to be accurate. This court believes that a monitoring and verification process is the only way to ensure CPK compliance with accurate measurement protocols.
Therefore this resolution creates the Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission to be headed up by Math. This Commission is hereby:
1.) granted access to inspect snow cover at Central Park at all hours and all days of the week in order to measure snow and/or to witness and verify the Conservancy's measurement of snow;
2.) authorized to perform unannounced inspections;
3.) granted access to publicly issued snowfall totals to ensure they are consistent with independent measurements conducted by the Commission.
If the Conservancy fails to comply with the conditions of this strict inspection regimen, the Commission is authorized to file a notice of violation with the OTI Parliament. The Parliament is then authorized by this Court to impose the following Sanctions:
1.) an embargo of all goods and services into the Park; and/or
2.) suspension of public funding for Park activities; and/or
3.) prosecution of conservancy staff before the OTI Snow Crimes Tribunal for the snow crime of chronic under-measurement; and/or
4.) OTI Military Action to seize control of all CPK snow measurement operations and to enforce by force the accurate measurement of snowfall in the heart of our beloved New York City;

The Commission is hereby authorized to begin these functions forthwith and to hire any inspection staff necessary to carry out this mission at a salary to be approved by the Parliament (volunteer work is preferred).

Additionally, this Court hereby puts the snow measurement officials at LaGuardia Airport, and the management of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey on Notice that any further shenanigans like today's snow "measurement" at LGA could prompt this Court to expand the monitoring mission of Math's Commission to include monitoring, inspection and verification of snow measurements at LGA.

Hereby resolved and ordered.
Chief Justice and Excellent Inquisitor
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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Empty Re: OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:27 pm

Classic Emperor Post from the March 7, 2018, Two foot storm in the HV.

docstox12 wrote:
Frank_Wx wrote:1st call NJ Strong member reactions map

OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Map2

THIS is priceless and hilarious and will hang in a prominent place in OTI Parliament Building
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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Empty Re: OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

Post by docstox12 Thu Mar 08, 2018 1:07 am

CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:Classic Emperor Post from the March 7, 2018, Two foot storm in the HV.

docstox12 wrote:
Frank_Wx wrote:1st call NJ Strong member reactions map

OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Map2

THIS is priceless and hilarious and will hang in a prominent place in OTI Parliament Building

Thank you so much Director of the Treasury and Grand High Exalted Mystique Ruler CP!!! This priceless document is now part of the annals of OTI History.
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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Empty Re: OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Sat Mar 17, 2018 11:14 pm

Another landmark decision by our Chief justice Billg, regarding the attempted secession of OOTI. A short video of the Chief Justice after his decision is also attached.

billg315 wrote:Emergent Advisory Opinion of the Supreme Judicial Court of OTI
Issued March 17, 2018

This Court has been advised of an attempt by some members, or portions of some members, of the OTI Community to secede from OTI breaking off an existing sector of the island for the creation of an independent state.

As this is an emergent matter this Court issues the following advisory opinion to Parliament and the citizens of OTI and urges the appropriate authorities to take the appropriate steps at the appropriate time, with a minimum of inappropriateness.

It is the opinion and holding of this Court that no sector or citizen of OTI may engage in secession from the government of OTI on existing OTI territory. While OTI cannot stop a citizen from abandoning the island and going to a completely new cyber island, a fissure of the existing island cannot be countenanced.

Case law from other jurisdictions sheds light on this issue.  In Texas v. White (U.S. S.Ct. 1869) the Court held that, “The union between Texas and the other states was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original states. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States.” Any attempt to split from the union was declared “null,” and all acts of secession were deemed illegal according to the “perpetual union.  This opinion, while not binding on this island, sets wise precedence that should be followed in this jurisdiction.  While secession could be possible with the consent of a majority of OTI Parliament and its citizens, short of that the only way to achieve such goal is by armed revolution, which this Court presumes the OTI Security Forces would counter with strong measures and maximum use of force.

It should be further noted that OTI exists at the pleasure of our Emperor, Frank Maximus.  Only he has the authority to create a new island – therefore the concept of starting a new government on a new island is moot unless a separate island thread was created by and approved of by Emperor Frank.  It seems in this court’s opinion that the Emperor would be unlikely to take such a step. We are fortunate he has granted us this limited real estate for our insanity let alone take up more of the website, er, cyber Mainland’s valuable bandwith.  It is bad enough that in recent days activities that surely should have been limited to OTI have crept into the mainland’s Banter and Storm threads. Now the Emperor is expected create a new space, when the old one is not being fully utilized and is encroaching upon his mainland empire??  This Court finds the suggestion preposterous.

THEREFORE, this Court concludes that secession is an unconstitutional and illegal act, and furthermore that short of Emperor Frank condoning such a step and creating a new island, OTI remains INDIVISIBLE.

God Bless OTI and All Hail Emperor Frank.

Chief Justice and Excellent Inquisitor

The court has spoken and I will abide by the decision.

OTI court cameras recorded this evenings proceedings. That is me walking away dejectedly, but rules are rules. Nice hat Chief justice, I may get one myself, I did think you were a little abrupt with me but I'll recover.

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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Empty Re: OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

Post by docstox12 Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:09 am

CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:Another landmark decision by our Chief justice Billg, regarding the attempted secession of OOTI. A short video of the Chief Justice after his decision is also attached.

billg315 wrote:Emergent Advisory Opinion of the Supreme Judicial Court of OTI
Issued March 17, 2018

This Court has been advised of an attempt by some members, or portions of some members, of the OTI Community to secede from OTI breaking off an existing sector of the island for the creation of an independent state.

As this is an emergent matter this Court issues the following advisory opinion to Parliament and the citizens of OTI and urges the appropriate authorities to take the appropriate steps at the appropriate time, with a minimum of inappropriateness.

It is the opinion and holding of this Court that no sector or citizen of OTI may engage in secession from the government of OTI on existing OTI territory. While OTI cannot stop a citizen from abandoning the island and going to a completely new cyber island, a fissure of the existing island cannot be countenanced.

Case law from other jurisdictions sheds light on this issue.  In Texas v. White (U.S. S.Ct. 1869) the Court held that, “The union between Texas and the other states was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original states. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States.” Any attempt to split from the union was declared “null,” and all acts of secession were deemed illegal according to the “perpetual union.  This opinion, while not binding on this island, sets wise precedence that should be followed in this jurisdiction.  While secession could be possible with the consent of a majority of OTI Parliament and its citizens, short of that the only way to achieve such goal is by armed revolution, which this Court presumes the OTI Security Forces would counter with strong measures and maximum use of force.

It should be further noted that OTI exists at the pleasure of our Emperor, Frank Maximus.  Only he has the authority to create a new island – therefore the concept of starting a new government on a new island is moot unless a separate island thread was created by and approved of by Emperor Frank.  It seems in this court’s opinion that the Emperor would be unlikely to take such a step. We are fortunate he has granted us this limited real estate for our insanity let alone take up more of the website, er, cyber Mainland’s valuable bandwith.  It is bad enough that in recent days activities that surely should have been limited to OTI have crept into the mainland’s Banter and Storm threads. Now the Emperor is expected create a new space, when the old one is not being fully utilized and is encroaching upon his mainland empire??  This Court finds the suggestion preposterous.

THEREFORE, this Court concludes that secession is an unconstitutional and illegal act, and furthermore that short of Emperor Frank condoning such a step and creating a new island, OTI remains INDIVISIBLE.

God Bless OTI and All Hail Emperor Frank.

Chief Justice and Excellent Inquisitor

The court has spoken and I will abide by the decision.

OTI court cameras recorded this evenings proceedings. That is me walking away dejectedly, but rules are rules. Nice hat Chief justice, I may get one myself, I did think you were a little abrupt with me but I'll recover.


lol! lol! lol!

Billg's excellent interpretation of OTI Bylaws and Mainland Empire's Constitution have brought you back into the fold.A glorious re-unification just in time for OTI's Independence Day Celebration.Please, though, I do hope we do not see any OOTI natives carrying Carpetbags to OTI!!!!
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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Empty Re: OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Sun Mar 18, 2018 9:22 am

The Director of Parliament finds the perfect metaphor to describe OTI and its affiliates. Only a minute long this should be a must watch for anyone applying for citizenship or extended visas.

docstox12 wrote:
mikeypizano wrote:My Polish half is very confused...

Mikey P

To help you in your understanding, this is the metaphor for OTI and it's offshoots.

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OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023 Empty Re: OTI - Goverment, and our Pledge - Updated January 30, 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Mon Jan 30, 2023 9:52 am

Bumping the Government and OTI Pleadge thread for the updates of the pledge and government posts and influx of immigrants due to the abandoning of the Mainland during the January 2023 Mainland Temperature and snow drought crisis.

Please refer back to post 1 on the top of this page for new positions and the updated OTI pledge of allegiance.
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