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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Sat Mar 17, 2018 11:23 am

I really think it may be time to declare war on OOTI. We cannot have people with split personalities running off and forming their own countries just because they have a disagreement with someone on OTI.

I leave the rest up to the best Director of Parliament that a cyber world has ever seen. Please make sure our esteemed and beloved director of mental health, our Chief Justice, Director of Security, director of tourism, head of culinary, and Director of technology must all be on alert.

I remain as always

Director of the treasury
Grand high exalted mystic ruler

And I might also add loyal citizen and one of the founding fathers of OTI.

Please let's all stand for the pledge.

I pledge allegiance to OTI
Of the Off Topic Island Republic
And to ex king Mugs
And the queen he bequeathed
One nation under Doc
Indivisible except by CP
With SNOWMAN and Taffy for all

Last edited by CPcantmeasuresnow on Sat Mar 17, 2018 11:38 am; edited 2 times in total

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2018 11:25 am

CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:I really think it may be time to declare war on OOTI. We cannot have people with split personalities running off and forming their own countries just because they have a disagreement with someone on OTI.

I leave the rest up to the best Director of Parliament that a cyber world has ever seen. Please make sure our esteemed and beloved director of mental health, our Chief Justice, director of tourism, head of culinary, and Director of tile technology must all be on alert.

I remain as always

Director of the treasury
Grand high exalted mystic ruler

And I might also add loyal citizen and founder of OTI.

Please let's all stand for the pledge.

I pledge allegiance to OTI
Of the Off Topic Island Republic
And to ex king Mugs
And the queen he bequeathed
One nation under Doc
Indivisible except by CP
With SNOWMAN and Taffy for all

OOTI? Now I’m confused?


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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Sat Mar 17, 2018 11:40 am

syosnow94 wrote:
CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:I really think it may be time to declare war on OOTI. We cannot have people with split personalities running off and forming their own countries just because they have a disagreement with someone on OTI.

I leave the rest up to the best Director of Parliament that a cyber world has ever seen. Please make sure our esteemed and beloved director of mental health, our Chief Justice, director of tourism, head of culinary, and Director of tile technology must all be on alert.

I remain as always

Director of the treasury
Grand high exalted mystic ruler

And I might also add loyal citizen and founder of OTI.

Please let's all stand for the pledge.

I pledge allegiance to OTI
Of the Off Topic Island Republic
And to ex king Mugs
And the queen he bequeathed
One nation under Doc
Indivisible except by CP
With SNOWMAN and Taffy for all

OOTI?  Now I’m confused?

Jimmy, here's the explanation as to CP's split personality.

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by billg315 Sat Mar 17, 2018 3:24 pm

Emergent Advisory Opinion of the Supreme Judicial Court of OTI
Issued March 17, 2018

This Court has been advised of an attempt by some members, or portions of some members, of the OTI Community to secede from OTI breaking off an existing sector of the island for the creation of an independent state.

As this is an emergent matter this Court issues the following advisory opinion to Parliament and the citizens of OTI and urges the appropriate authorities to take the appropriate steps at the appropriate time, with a minimum of inappropriateness.

It is the opinion and holding of this Court that no sector or citizen of OTI may engage in secession from the government of OTI on existing OTI territory. While OTI cannot stop a citizen from abandoning the island and going to a completely new cyber island, a fissure of the existing island cannot be countenanced.

Case law from other jurisdictions sheds light on this issue. In Texas v. White (U.S. S.Ct. 1869) the Court held that, “The union between Texas and the other states was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original states. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States.” Any attempt to split from the union was declared “null,” and all acts of secession were deemed illegal according to the “perpetual union. This opinion, while not binding on this island, sets wise precedence that should be followed in this jurisdiction. While secession could be possible with the consent of a majority of OTI Parliament and its citizens, short of that the only way to achieve such goal is by armed revolution, which this Court presumes the OTI Security Forces would counter with strong measures and maximum use of force.

It should be further noted that OTI exists at the pleasure of our Emperor, Frank Maximus. Only he has the authority to create a new island – therefore the concept of starting a new government on a new island is moot unless a separate island thread was created by and approved of by Emperor Frank. It seems in this court’s opinion that the Emperor would be unlikely to take such a step. We are fortunate he has granted us this limited real estate for our insanity let alone take up more of the website, er, cyber Mainland’s valuable bandwith. It is bad enough that in recent days activities that surely should have been limited to OTI have crept into the mainland’s Banter and Storm threads. Now the Emperor is expected create a new space, when the old one is not being fully utilized and is encroaching upon his mainland empire?? This Court finds the suggestion preposterous.

THEREFORE, this Court concludes that secession is an unconstitutional and illegal act, and furthermore that short of Emperor Frank condoning such a step and creating a new island, OTI remains INDIVISIBLE.

God Bless OTI and All Hail Emperor Frank.

Chief Justice and Excellent Inquisitor

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Sat Mar 17, 2018 8:51 pm

billg315 wrote:Emergent Advisory Opinion of the Supreme Judicial Court of OTI
Issued March 17, 2018

This Court has been advised of an attempt by some members, or portions of some members, of the OTI Community to secede from OTI breaking off an existing sector of the island for the creation of an independent state.

As this is an emergent matter this Court issues the following advisory opinion to Parliament and the citizens of OTI and urges the appropriate authorities to take the appropriate steps at the appropriate time, with a minimum of inappropriateness.

It is the opinion and holding of this Court that no sector or citizen of OTI may engage in secession from the government of OTI on existing OTI territory. While OTI cannot stop a citizen from abandoning the island and going to a completely new cyber island, a fissure of the existing island cannot be countenanced.

Case law from other jurisdictions sheds light on this issue.  In Texas v. White (U.S. S.Ct. 1869) the Court held that, “The union between Texas and the other states was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original states. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States.” Any attempt to split from the union was declared “null,” and all acts of secession were deemed illegal according to the “perpetual union.  This opinion, while not binding on this island, sets wise precedence that should be followed in this jurisdiction.  While secession could be possible with the consent of a majority of OTI Parliament and its citizens, short of that the only way to achieve such goal is by armed revolution, which this Court presumes the OTI Security Forces would counter with strong measures and maximum use of force.

It should be further noted that OTI exists at the pleasure of our Emperor, Frank Maximus.  Only he has the authority to create a new island – therefore the concept of starting a new government on a new island is moot unless a separate island thread was created by and approved of by Emperor Frank.  It seems in this court’s opinion that the Emperor would be unlikely to take such a step. We are fortunate he has granted us this limited real estate for our insanity let alone take up more of the website, er, cyber Mainland’s valuable bandwith.  It is bad enough that in recent days activities that surely should have been limited to OTI have crept into the mainland’s Banter and Storm threads. Now the Emperor is expected create a new space, when the old one is not being fully utilized and is encroaching upon his mainland empire??  This Court finds the suggestion preposterous.

THEREFORE, this Court concludes that secession is an unconstitutional and illegal act, and furthermore that short of Emperor Frank condoning such a step and creating a new island, OTI remains INDIVISIBLE.

God Bless OTI and All Hail Emperor Frank.

Chief Justice and Excellent Inquisitor

The court has spoken and I will abide by the decision.

OTI court cameras recorded this evenings proceedings. That is me walking away dejectedly, but rules are rules. Nice hat Chief justice, I may get one myself, I did think you were a little abrupt with me but I'll recover.

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2018 9:57 pm

We are very very special people to be on this thread


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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by mikeypizano Sat Mar 17, 2018 9:58 pm

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by billg315 Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:00 pm

CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:
billg315 wrote:Emergent Advisory Opinion of the Supreme Judicial Court of OTI
Issued March 17, 2018

This Court has been advised of an attempt by some members, or portions of some members, of the OTI Community to secede from OTI breaking off an existing sector of the island for the creation of an independent state.

As this is an emergent matter this Court issues the following advisory opinion to Parliament and the citizens of OTI and urges the appropriate authorities to take the appropriate steps at the appropriate time, with a minimum of inappropriateness.

It is the opinion and holding of this Court that no sector or citizen of OTI may engage in secession from the government of OTI on existing OTI territory. While OTI cannot stop a citizen from abandoning the island and going to a completely new cyber island, a fissure of the existing island cannot be countenanced.

Case law from other jurisdictions sheds light on this issue.  In Texas v. White (U.S. S.Ct. 1869) the Court held that, “The union between Texas and the other states was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original states. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States.” Any attempt to split from the union was declared “null,” and all acts of secession were deemed illegal according to the “perpetual union.  This opinion, while not binding on this island, sets wise precedence that should be followed in this jurisdiction.  While secession could be possible with the consent of a majority of OTI Parliament and its citizens, short of that the only way to achieve such goal is by armed revolution, which this Court presumes the OTI Security Forces would counter with strong measures and maximum use of force.

It should be further noted that OTI exists at the pleasure of our Emperor, Frank Maximus.  Only he has the authority to create a new island – therefore the concept of starting a new government on a new island is moot unless a separate island thread was created by and approved of by Emperor Frank.  It seems in this court’s opinion that the Emperor would be unlikely to take such a step. We are fortunate he has granted us this limited real estate for our insanity let alone take up more of the website, er, cyber Mainland’s valuable bandwith.  It is bad enough that in recent days activities that surely should have been limited to OTI have crept into the mainland’s Banter and Storm threads. Now the Emperor is expected create a new space, when the old one is not being fully utilized and is encroaching upon his mainland empire??  This Court finds the suggestion preposterous.

THEREFORE, this Court concludes that secession is an unconstitutional and illegal act, and furthermore that short of Emperor Frank condoning such a step and creating a new island, OTI remains INDIVISIBLE.

God Bless OTI and All Hail Emperor Frank.

Chief Justice and Excellent Inquisitor

The court has spoken and I will abide by the decision.

OTI court cameras recorded this evenings proceedings. That is me walking away dejectedly, but rules are rules. Nice hat Chief justice, I may get one myself, I did think you were a little abrupt with me but I'll recover.


lol! lol!
Those hats are on sale in the OTI Gift Shop/Pro Club. Rumor has it with the purchase of that hat you get a free bowl of soup.
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Sun Mar 18, 2018 9:55 am

It has been great for the island to have snowman and thundersnow back at their posts.

The Director of technology however has been missing from OTI now for quite some period of time. He was deputized and given an assignment by the director of security several days ago and still nothing. Is he still being treated at the sanitarium? I know he's had a rough go of it in what has become the snow hole of central Manhattan this month but it's time to strap on the big boy boots and get to work.
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Sun Mar 18, 2018 10:53 am

CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:It has been great for the island to have snowman and thundersnow back at their posts.

The Director of technology however has been missing from OTI now for quite some period of time. He was deputized and given an assignment by the director of security several days ago and still nothing. Is he still being treated at the sanitarium? I know he's had a rough go of it in what has become the snow hole of central Manhattan this month but it's time to strap on the big boy boots and get to work.

Director of the Treasury and Grand High Exalted Mystique Ruler CP, Parliament will deliver a special memorandum to SNOWMAN to add the Director of Technology to his "to find" list.Parliament should hear from SNOWMAN shortly on this matter.

Director of OTI Parliament
Director of OTI Sanitarium
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by Guest Sun Mar 18, 2018 11:57 am

billg315 wrote:
CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:
billg315 wrote:Emergent Advisory Opinion of the Supreme Judicial Court of OTI
Issued March 17, 2018

This Court has been advised of an attempt by some members, or portions of some members, of the OTI Community to secede from OTI breaking off an existing sector of the island for the creation of an independent state.

As this is an emergent matter this Court issues the following advisory opinion to Parliament and the citizens of OTI and urges the appropriate authorities to take the appropriate steps at the appropriate time, with a minimum of inappropriateness.

It is the opinion and holding of this Court that no sector or citizen of OTI may engage in secession from the government of OTI on existing OTI territory. While OTI cannot stop a citizen from abandoning the island and going to a completely new cyber island, a fissure of the existing island cannot be countenanced.

Case law from other jurisdictions sheds light on this issue.  In Texas v. White (U.S. S.Ct. 1869) the Court held that, “The union between Texas and the other states was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original states. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States.” Any attempt to split from the union was declared “null,” and all acts of secession were deemed illegal according to the “perpetual union.  This opinion, while not binding on this island, sets wise precedence that should be followed in this jurisdiction.  While secession could be possible with the consent of a majority of OTI Parliament and its citizens, short of that the only way to achieve such goal is by armed revolution, which this Court presumes the OTI Security Forces would counter with strong measures and maximum use of force.

It should be further noted that OTI exists at the pleasure of our Emperor, Frank Maximus.  Only he has the authority to create a new island – therefore the concept of starting a new government on a new island is moot unless a separate island thread was created by and approved of by Emperor Frank.  It seems in this court’s opinion that the Emperor would be unlikely to take such a step. We are fortunate he has granted us this limited real estate for our insanity let alone take up more of the website, er, cyber Mainland’s valuable bandwith.  It is bad enough that in recent days activities that surely should have been limited to OTI have crept into the mainland’s Banter and Storm threads. Now the Emperor is expected create a new space, when the old one is not being fully utilized and is encroaching upon his mainland empire??  This Court finds the suggestion preposterous.

THEREFORE, this Court concludes that secession is an unconstitutional and illegal act, and furthermore that short of Emperor Frank condoning such a step and creating a new island, OTI remains INDIVISIBLE.

God Bless OTI and All Hail Emperor Frank.

Chief Justice and Excellent Inquisitor

The court has spoken and I will abide by the decision.

OTI court cameras recorded this evenings proceedings. That is me walking away dejectedly, but rules are rules. Nice hat Chief justice, I may get one myself, I did think you were a little abrupt with me but I'll recover.


lol! lol!
Those hats are on sale in the OTI Gift Shop/Pro Club. Rumor has it with the purchase of that hat you get a free bowl of soup.

Here’s CP and Doc trying to get their free soup at the official OTI cafeteria


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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by Grselig Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:16 pm

Excellent work on finding appropriate case law. On point! Long live OTI. I pray the Director of Technology is "found" soon. New soup on the menu for CP and Doc to enjoy. No soup for traitors!! Extra cold sweet green deep frozen coconut cream of ice.

I pledge allegiance to OTI
Of the Off Topic Island Republic
And to ex king Mugs
And the queen he bequeathed
One nation under Doc
Indivisible except by CP
With SNOWMAN and Taffy for all
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by Math23x7 Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:07 pm

I've been watching the model outputs but not much else the past couple of days. I haven't been active in posting as a result. Plus, I'm a bit lost with everything that has happened in both OTI and OOTI(?).

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:33 pm

Math23x7 wrote:I've been watching the model outputs but not much else the past couple of days.  I haven't been active in posting as a result.  Plus, I'm a bit lost with everything that has happened in both OTI and OOTI(?).

[X] Dislike

Get your priorities straight Mike, we depend on you.

SnowMan is the best security that cocananas can buy, but he's not technology savy. You were deputized for a reason.

After you solve the Mikey P case, I believe I've been charged with something or other. Syos can give you the details, unless he's since had second thoughts and decided to drop the charges, that I don't know. After being totally disrespected and dismissed by Chief Justice Billg regarding the OOTI case I'm not sure I can handle anymore judicial defeats this week.

Thank God for the OTI cafeteria and the soup Nazi. It's the only respite I've had all weekend, I am of course assuming I am Jerry in the clip and Doc is George. If it's the other way around take out the part about it being my only respite for the weekend.
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by billg315 Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:17 pm

Don’t mind me just nosing around the drink menu here in the Coconut Lourge. Unless the scene out my window changes dramatically in the next few hours I’ve got a feeling I have rough day ahead of me with some co-workers tomorrow so need to get liquored up now.
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:44 pm

billg315 wrote:Don’t mind me just nosing around the drink menu here in the Coconut Lourge. Unless the scene out my window changes dramatically in the next few hours I’ve got a feeling I have rough day ahead of me with some co-workers tomorrow so need to get liquored up now.

Even though I have 9 inches OTG from previous storms, I'm having a tough time with this. I think because of all of the abuse my family extended and close will be giving me.
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by billg315 Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:52 pm

I sold this storm hard at work yesterday so if people don’t at least wake up to several inches tomorrow I might as well just hide out on OOTI until Spring.
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by billg315 Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:30 pm

Disregard. I got my answer on the Mainland. My sanity was affirmed.
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:35 pm

billg315 wrote:I posed this question on another thread. Nobody answered, which I believe may actually be my answer. But I figured I’d ask the most sane group of people on this board for their input. If anyone can assess my mental health it’s the people of OTI. So here’s the question:
Do you guys think my neighbors think it’s weird to see me wandering around my back yard in the snow at 11pm at night, sticking a ruler in the snow in various spots? If so, are they right?

I answered you already in the normal people thread. Well relatively normal, there are several exceptions.
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by billg315 Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:38 pm

CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:
billg315 wrote:I posed this question on another thread. Nobody answered, which I believe may actually be my answer. But I figured I’d ask the most sane group of people on this board for their input. If anyone can assess my mental health it’s the people of OTI. So here’s the question:
Do you guys think my neighbors think it’s weird to see me wandering around my back yard in the snow at 11pm at night, sticking a ruler in the snow in various spots? If so, are they right?

I answered you already in the normal people thread. Well relatively normal, there are several exceptions.
Thank you CP. I was a bit concerned because I started to think maybe even on this website that was considered odd behavior. Luckily none of my neighbors has ever called the police - or the mental health crisis team - on me.
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:44 pm

billg315 wrote:
CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:
billg315 wrote:I posed this question on another thread. Nobody answered, which I believe may actually be my answer. But I figured I’d ask the most sane group of people on this board for their input. If anyone can assess my mental health it’s the people of OTI. So here’s the question:
Do you guys think my neighbors think it’s weird to see me wandering around my back yard in the snow at 11pm at night, sticking a ruler in the snow in various spots? If so, are they right?

I answered you already in the normal people thread. Well relatively normal, there are several exceptions.
Thank you CP. I was a bit concerned because I started to think maybe even on this website that was considered odd behavior. Luckily none of my neighbors has ever called the police - or the mental health crisis team - on me.

Just curious why you asked this in the OIT thread, I thought you were becoming an OOTI guy.

I've been considering carving out a piece of OOTI and forming OOOTI, for people that really need to get away.
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Post by billg315 Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:58 pm

Good question. I think because OTI has a larger network of mental health resources, including the Sanitarium and to a degree The Lounge. If I had been deemed somehow, “off” as they say, help would have been closer by. I’m not sure OOTI has fully built up an infrastructure yet and it’s possible if I had been deemed crazy there, they might just have shot me to put me out of my misery.
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Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:03 pm

When probably the most “off” person in the forum (with the exception of Jman and Track17 Very Happy ) is the one running the sanitarium and the lounge you have nothing to fear rollseyes


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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:19 pm

syosnow94 wrote:When probably the most “off” person in the forum (with the exception of Jman and Track17 Very Happy ) is the one running the sanitarium and the lounge you have nothing to fear rollseyes

Jimmy, it takes great men to accomplish great deeds.Carry on my good Man!!!!
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:14 am

                       REGARDING SEASONAL CLOSURE

Be advised all OTI Directors and Staff that due to the extended period of winter in March, the usual closing time of OTI will be pushed back to April 15 Anno Domani 2018.This will be subjected to further review, as Mainland Weather sources see the possibility of winter weather extending past April 15.In that case, closure would be extended to April 30.All OTI staff will be paid overtime wages in coconannas after April 1.OTI Directors will be expected to accept their normal salary in this time of need.

Failure to report for extended duty by Directors cavorting in OOTI will result in their names being given to Director of Security SNOWMAN for apprehension and return to duty.

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:31 am

                       REGARDING SEASONAL CLOSURE

Be advised all OTI Directors and Staff that due to the extended period of winter in March, the usual closing time of OTI will be pushed back to April 15 Anno Domani 2018.This will be subjected to further review, as Mainland Weather sources see the possibility of winter weather extending past April 15.In that case, closure would be extended to April 30.All OTI staff will be paid overtime wages in coconannas after April 1.OTI Directors will be expected to accept their normal salary in this time of need.

Failure to report for extended duty by Directors cavorting in OOTI will result in their names being given to Director of Security SNOWMAN for apprehension and return to duty.

Director of Parliament
Director of OTI Sanitarium

Doc we have a very embarrassing oversight here on OTI which I suppose is explainable by several things.

March 21, as you and I both well know is Independence Day here on OTI. OTI was established as a semi-independent republic cyber state on March 21, 2014 and this was going to be our fourth anniversary celebration. I could blame the snowstorm on March 21 for most of the oversight, although the Civil War with OOTI, Bills politicking for the moderator position on the mainland, snowman's return, Gresligs return at least here and there, Aresians self-imposed exile and return. Mikey P's rapid ascension to the Dir. of landscaping and subsequent trial and investigation for torch mongering, Syos time-consuming forecasting and analysis of the upcoming storm, Mikey the Dir. of technologies neglect of his post and completely ignoring the fact he was deputized by snowman in the Mikey P torch mongering case, have all taken our minds off what truly matters.

Without OTI all of the aforementioned would not even exist. I'm not sure how we rectify this two days after the fact but March 23 should always be remembered as the day that the citizens of OTI recognized that if we don't remember and treasure our past our future is bleak. Hopefully I have not said anything in here that will offend the moderator, Chief Justice Bill G.

All kidding aside we are proud that one of our own continues our infiltration, I mean rise on the mainland. I would also like to say our plans to annex the banter thread are going along smoothly. As always what happens on OTI stays on OTI, unless of course you want to discuss it on OOTI.

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 18 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:21 am







Director of OTI Parliament
Director of OTI Sanitarium
March 23 Anno Domani 2018
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