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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Wed Dec 13, 2023 6:42 am

CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:
docstox12 wrote:
billg315 wrote:ADVISORY OPINION
BILL 12262010
Upon legal review the changing of the names of Winter and Fall to Wing and Wall is an act that is well within the OTI parliamentary powers.  As there is no official outline of the parliamentary powers, and little to no existing case-law to guide such reviews, and frankly an overall "fly by the seat of our pants" approach to much of the governance of this island, we can see no prohibition on such an action.
However, we do make the following suggestions. We move for striking Winter from the seasonal names, but not Fall.  Fall should remain as a distinct season (one the is very popular due to beautiful foliage, pumpkin spice, and pleasant days with chilly evenings).  Wall should commence around the typical start-time of the season formally called "winter" and should end in mid-January.  Wing should then commence in mid-January and extend to the beginning of official "Spring" in March.
This will avoid any confusion and will increase the number of seasons from four to five (Spring, Summer, Fall, Wall, and Wing).  This will give people an extra option in choosing their "favorite season" (a boon for free-expression) and allow candle makers to expand their line of seasonal scents and clothing retailers an additional season to sell seasonal wardrobes (a boon for commerce).
This opinion is Advisory-only and not intended to hold binding legal precedent. Any additional legal advice on this measure can be sought via formal request at the Hall of Justice that is now decorated for Wall.
Chief Justice and Excellent Inquisitor

This has now been fully examined by yourself  and found to be proper governance . We can now fully proceed on these matters in Parliament and pass them once we have our esteemed treasurers feedback on the matter.I am sure he will wholeheartedly agree with your logical analysis and proposal , dear Chief Justice, and I as Director of Parliament, will expedite passage and inclusion into OTI Law.
Thank you for your service and time on these pressing and highly important matters!

Director of Parliament
Director OTI Sanitarium
Dec .12 Anno Domani 2023

I do appreciate the chief justices time as well as yours, Director of Parliament, putting this bill on the fast track to passage.

I would like included in the bill, the hard dates I originally set up when I created the seasons of Wall and Wing. Wall begins on December 1 and ends January 31. Wing of course immediately follows beginning February 1 and ends March 31.

I know there are those who may argue, well what about the solstice and the equinox, to them I say F the solstice and the equinox. Fall will now end on November 30 and spring will begin on April 1.  When you show me and prove to me that winter actually exists, which of course we all know it doesn't, then prove to me the solstice and equinox actually exists. If the Earth is flat, as many of our greatest minds, beginning with Kyrie Irving have theorized, there could be no solstice or equinox. So we may want to add to this the high probability that the earth is flat. Parliament may want to take up this subject matter in the January sessions.

In conclusion, I wish a happy Wall season to everyone on OTI. As usual, there will be threats of snow, an advancing MJO to nowhere, stratoshpheric warming that actually leads to things getting warmer instead of colder, and other nonsense letters and numbers published to make the gullible in our society believe that winter and snow still exist. Oh, there may be a day or two here and there, but that my friends is not winter, winter no longer exists, and it has not for several years. The sooner everyone accepts this and stops putting their faith in false gods like the AO and -NAO the happier we will all be.

Director of the Treasury
Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler

Dear Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler and OTI Treasurer,

Your amendments to the Bill being crafted in OTI Parliament will be added precisely as you stated since you are the creator of the Wall and Wing Theory.The Earth is Flat Theory will be discussed in a separate bill come January as attaching this to the Wall and Wing legislation may wind up in a Filibuster at Parliament and we do not want the Wall Wing Bill held up in any way.

As far as the analysis of "Fall" and "Winter" weather on the Mainland, perhaps reflect upon the fact that the anxiety and disappointment the various models cause with the crushing of hope for snow lovers on the Mainland, helps revenue here at OTI as these despondent Mainlanders come to OTI to assuage their pain and misery with multiple sessions on snowcoholic therapy at the OTI Sanitarium ( CHA-CHING) and many rounds of alcoholic beverages at the Coconut Lounge.Rentals of beach umbrellas and blankets also skyrocket as well as the OTI tourist trap trinket shops.It actually may behooves us to ENCOURAGE the modeling on the Mainland as it benefits OTI in many forms of revenue.
As Treasurer, perhaps you can use your outstanding statictical analysis skills to determine OTI revenue vis a vis amount of Mainland Weather Modeling so we can ascertain how our revenue streams are affected.
I also extend a happy Wall Season to everyone, Mainland and here at OTI, where the sun always shines and the libations never cease to flow!

Director of OTI Parliament
Director OTI Sanitarium

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Thu Dec 14, 2023 10:16 pm

Going back into hibernation.

I never should have set foot on the Mainland. All well intentioned good people but, I set foot on there for one day and they start to extrapolate out things that could be, might be, should have been etc, in 24 hours they almost had me believing winter does it exist, when I know in my heart it doesn't.

I believe in the Wall
I am one with the Wing
Belief in Winter causes pain
Only sorrow it will bring

I shall repeat that 1999 times tonight and make sure I make an appointment at the Sanitarium tomorrow. Doc always has the answers.

Note to Billg and Doc, after we pass the Wall/Wing bill I would also propose any use of the word winter or snow, unless used in the past tense in references to the period before 2022 be punishable by immediate deportation, whether the perpetrator is an OTI citizen, tourist, Director, or Chief Justice.

Wx Statistician Guru
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:11 am

CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:Going back into hibernation.

I never should have set foot on the Mainland. All well intentioned good people but, I set foot on there for one day and they start to extrapolate out things that could be, might be, should have been etc, in 24 hours they almost had me believing winter does it exist, when I know in my heart it doesn't.

I believe in the Wall
I am one with the Wing
Belief in Winter causes pain
Only sorrow it will bring

I shall repeat that 1999 times tonight and make sure I make an appointment at the Sanitarium tomorrow. Doc always has the answers.

Note to Billg and Doc, after we pass the Wall/Wing bill I would also propose any use of the word winter or snow, unless used in the past tense in references to the period before 2022 be punishable by immediate deportation, whether the perpetrator is an OTI citizen, tourist, Director, or Chief Justice.

Dear Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler,
Your intense poem will be adopted in the Sanitarium for the treatment of snow deprivation.It is clear, concise, and I believe will be effective.After the regimen of repeating it 1000 times in a strobe light lit room, we will end up with the mantra of "every day in every way ,I am getting better"!
I agree on your addition to the Wall/Wing Legislation numbered 12262010 on the OTI Parliament docket.All references now to "snow" shall be in the past tense Terms like it USED to snow, or it HAD snowed will now be used in order to keep peace of mind here at OTI where the ocean breezes blow and the adult beverages flow.
After your appointment tomorrow at the Sanitarium, which will be brief and just a simple pep talk,I will be in need of your services because, as of now, I expect a massive group of Mainlanders flocking here on the 18th and 19th .

Director of OTI Parliament
Director OTI Sanitarium
Dec 15 Anno Domani 2023
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by sroc4 Fri Dec 15, 2023 8:00 am

docstox12 wrote:
CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:Going back into hibernation.

I never should have set foot on the Mainland. All well intentioned good people but, I set foot on there for one day and they start to extrapolate out things that could be, might be, should have been etc, in 24 hours they almost had me believing winter does it exist, when I know in my heart it doesn't.

I believe in the Wall
I am one with the Wing
Belief in Winter causes pain
Only sorrow it will bring

I shall repeat that 1999 times tonight and make sure I make an appointment at the Sanitarium tomorrow. Doc always has the answers.

Note to Billg and Doc, after we pass the Wall/Wing bill I would also propose any use of the word winter or snow, unless used in the past tense in references to the period before 2022 be punishable by immediate deportation, whether the perpetrator is an OTI citizen, tourist, Director, or Chief Justice.

Dear Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler,
Your intense poem will be adopted in the Sanitarium for the treatment of snow deprivation.It is clear, concise, and I believe will be effective.After the regimen of repeating it 1000 times in a strobe light lit room, we will end up with the mantra of "every day in every way ,I am getting better"!
I agree on your addition to the Wall/Wing Legislation numbered 12262010 on the OTI Parliament docket.All references now to "snow" shall be in the past tense Terms like it USED to snow, or it HAD snowed will now be used in order to keep peace of mind here at OTI where the ocean breezes blow and the adult beverages flow.
After your appointment tomorrow at the Sanitarium, which will be brief and just a simple pep talk,I will be in need of your services because, as of now, I expect a massive group of Mainlanders flocking here on the 18th and 19th .

Director of OTI Parliament
Director OTI Sanitarium
Dec 15 Anno Domani 2023

Doc.  I think we may need to get Warm Wetty and the Heart Wakers on stage ASAP as it it seems our good friend CP is perhaps still disoriented from waking up from his Spring Summer and Fall hibernation and I dont want to see him upset.  I spoke with them yesterday and they are ready.  

They usually open with the Classic:

"You dont know how it feels", but they have changed the lyrics to the second verse slightly which seems appropriate given the situation.  Sometimes if you feel like you carry a burden by yourself it can be overwhelming; whereas, when you realize we all carry the burden it can become easier to bear when you realize you're not alone.  Music can sometimes bridge that gap between sanity and In-sanity.        

Winters come, winters go
Some grow warm, some grow cold

I woke up in between
A memory and a dream

So lets get to the point, lets roll another joint
Lets head on down the road, somewhere...I gotta go..

And you dont know how it feels, you dont know how it feels...

To be meeee

On a separate topic I really think you should reconsider the ban on present tense use of certain words such as winter and snow on OTI.  Please re-convene with the rest of parliament to discuss the fact that free speech is extremely important to a flourishing society, and just because you can be offended by a word or group of words doesn't mean you should be offended by them.  What's next? Banning the words blocking or Godzilla? This sort of thing has been happening back on the mainland quite a bit over recent past, and its beginning to look a lot like a fascist/communist society at times.  And while its not quite there it has become a slippery slope.  

While I am not looking to cause any trouble, I think for anyone and everyone who may visit OTI, being able to freely speak their mind without fear of being canceled or bullied is critically important, esp for a place like this that was set up specifically as a refuge for individuals who are looking to remain keep some semblance of sanity.  If we cant say and feel what we want here....where can we Doc?  Where can we?  pale

"In weather and in life, there's no winning and losing; there's only winning and learning."
WINTER 2012/2013 TOTALS 43.65"WINTER 2017/2018 TOTALS 62.85" WINTER 2022/2023 TOTALS 4.9"      
WINTER 2013/2014 TOTALS 64.85"WINTER 2018/2019 TOTALS 14.25" WINTER 2023/2024 TOTALS 13.1"
WINTER 2014/2015 TOTALS 71.20"WINTER 2019/2020 TOTALS 6.35"
WINTER 2015/2016 TOTALS 35.00"WINTER 2020/2021 TOTALS 37.75"
WINTER 2016/2017 TOTALS 42.25"WINTER 2021/2022 TOTALS 31.65" 

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Fri Dec 15, 2023 8:38 am

sroc4 wrote:
docstox12 wrote:
CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:Going back into hibernation.

I never should have set foot on the Mainland. All well intentioned good people but, I set foot on there for one day and they start to extrapolate out things that could be, might be, should have been etc, in 24 hours they almost had me believing winter does it exist, when I know in my heart it doesn't.

I believe in the Wall
I am one with the Wing
Belief in Winter causes pain
Only sorrow it will bring

I shall repeat that 1999 times tonight and make sure I make an appointment at the Sanitarium tomorrow. Doc always has the answers.

Note to Billg and Doc, after we pass the Wall/Wing bill I would also propose any use of the word winter or snow, unless used in the past tense in references to the period before 2022 be punishable by immediate deportation, whether the perpetrator is an OTI citizen, tourist, Director, or Chief Justice.

Dear Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler,
Your intense poem will be adopted in the Sanitarium for the treatment of snow deprivation.It is clear, concise, and I believe will be effective.After the regimen of repeating it 1000 times in a strobe light lit room, we will end up with the mantra of "every day in every way ,I am getting better"!
I agree on your addition to the Wall/Wing Legislation numbered 12262010 on the OTI Parliament docket.All references now to "snow" shall be in the past tense Terms like it USED to snow, or it HAD snowed will now be used in order to keep peace of mind here at OTI where the ocean breezes blow and the adult beverages flow.
After your appointment tomorrow at the Sanitarium, which will be brief and just a simple pep talk,I will be in need of your services because, as of now, I expect a massive group of Mainlanders flocking here on the 18th and 19th .

Director of OTI Parliament
Director OTI Sanitarium
Dec 15 Anno Domani 2023

Doc.  I think we may need to get Warm Wetty and the Heart Wakers on stage ASAP as it it seems our good friend CP is perhaps still disoriented from waking up from his Spring Summer and Fall hibernation and I dont want to see him upset.  I spoke with them yesterday and they are ready.  

They usually open with the Classic:

"You dont know how it feels", but they have changed the lyrics to the second verse slightly which seems appropriate given the situation.  Sometimes if you feel like you carry a burden by yourself it can be overwhelming; whereas, when you realize we all carry the burden it can become easier to bear when you realize you're not alone.  Music can sometimes bridge that gap between sanity and In-sanity.        

Winters come, winters go
Some grow warm, some grow cold

I woke up in between
A memory and a dream

So lets get to the point, lets roll another joint
Lets head on down the road, somewhere...I gotta go..

And you dont know how it feels, you dont know how it feels...

To be meeee

On a separate topic I really think you should reconsider the ban on present tense use of certain words such as winter and snow on OTI.  Please re-convene with the rest of parliament to discuss the fact that free speech is extremely important to a flourishing society, and just because you can be offended by a word or group of words doesn't mean you should be offended by them.  What's next?  Banning the words blocking or Godzilla?  This sort of thing has been happening back on the mainland quite a bit over recent past, and its beginning to look a lot like a fascist/communist society at times.  And while its not quite there it has become a slippery slope.  

While I am not looking to cause any trouble, I think for anyone and everyone who may visit OTI, being able to freely speak their mind without fear of being canceled or bullied is critically important, esp for a place like this that was set up specifically as a refuge for individuals who are looking to remain keep some semblance of sanity.  If we cant say and feel what we want here....where can we Doc?  Where can we?  pale

Doc, as a high ranking official of the Mainland,your input on these important issues are taken very seriously here on OTI.After all, OTI exists at the indulgence of Emperor Frank, you being his right arm on Mainland Governance.
Perhaps Warm Wetty and the Heart Wakers will assuage CP's snow deprivation issues and I will play an 8 track tape of their songs at his Sanitarium session he is booked for.
Agree 100% with you on the free speech issues, however, I am only Director of Parliament and each Sector of OTI sends representatives elected  in an  electoral coconut manner which eliminates issues such as that in New York State where one political party dominates governance.These Representatives at OTI will be discussing the Wall/Wing Bill 12262010 and the possible attachment of the banning of the word "snow".Perhaps you can be present during the debating process to give an impassioned speech on the issues you discuss here on this electronic telegram.We also have a carrier pigeon system in place which works great as long as the prevailing winds don't blow them miles off course.In that case, they can be found on Mainlander jman's clothesline.
Anyway, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to help us at Parliament on these important political issues!You have Carte Blanche at the Coconut Lounge with the best bar stool there with the best view!
Wx Statistician Guru
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by sroc4 Fri Dec 15, 2023 8:53 am

Doc while yes on the mainland I am in a position of governance and leadership, it is my firm believe that the greatest leaders in human history knew when it was time to lead, but more importantly also when it is time to follow. While I truly appreciate the best seat with the best view I’d actually prefer the next available seat like anyone else. I don’t need the greatest anything in order to be happy and fulfilled in my life. I’ll be headed back to the mainland for a bit. Cheers to those who remain behind.

"In weather and in life, there's no winning and losing; there's only winning and learning."
WINTER 2012/2013 TOTALS 43.65"WINTER 2017/2018 TOTALS 62.85" WINTER 2022/2023 TOTALS 4.9"      
WINTER 2013/2014 TOTALS 64.85"WINTER 2018/2019 TOTALS 14.25" WINTER 2023/2024 TOTALS 13.1"
WINTER 2014/2015 TOTALS 71.20"WINTER 2019/2020 TOTALS 6.35"
WINTER 2015/2016 TOTALS 35.00"WINTER 2020/2021 TOTALS 37.75"
WINTER 2016/2017 TOTALS 42.25"WINTER 2021/2022 TOTALS 31.65" 

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Fri Dec 15, 2023 9:10 am

sroc4 wrote:Doc while yes on the mainland I am in a position of governance and leadership, it is my firm believe that the greatest leaders in human history knew when it was time to lead, but more importantly also when it is time to follow.  While I truly appreciate the best seat with the best view I’d actually prefer the next available seat like anyone else. I don’t need the greatest anything in order to be happy and fulfilled in my life.  I’ll be headed back to the mainland for a bit. Cheers to those who remain behind.

Doc, your humbleness and humility are a priceless virtue in these days of political madness on the Mainland.Thank you for your visit and imput and be assured we here at OTI take notice of your kind words and support.All the best on the Mainland for you and don't hesitate to visit us again soon!
Now, back to Parliament for this important legislative issue!
Wx Statistician Guru
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:32 am

I have issued a BOLO to the OTI Police Department for Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler CP who bolted out of the room during his snow deprivation therapy session at the OTI Sanitarium yesterday screaming and waving his arms about letters M,J,and O.There as a report of a fisherman spotting him absconding a small dinghy and rowing frantically towards OOTI.
Anybody with any information as to CP's whereabouts, please call me at the Parliament Building.We are in desperate need of CP's services here as a tidal wave of Mainland snow deprived our headed our way the next few days.
That is all for now

Director of Parliament
Director of OTI Sanitarium
Dec 17 Anno Domani 2023
Wx Statistician Guru
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by Dunnzoo Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:29 am

As we expect a surge of visitors in the next week, I'll make sure to be there, I expect there will be many drowning their sorrows to excess. And I don't think they will be leaving anytime soon, as the mainland just isn't showing signs of white. I will bring some additional supplies and IVs for hydration, sounds like we're in for an onslaught. See you soon!


Snowfall winter of 2023-2024  17.5"    

Snowfall winter of 2022-2023       6.0"
Snowfall winter of 2021-2022     17.6"    1" sleet 2/25/22
Snowfall winter of 2020-2021     51.1"
Snowfall winter of 2019-2020       8.5"
Snowfall winter of 2018-2019     25.1"
Snowfall winter of 2017-2018     51.9"
Snowfall winter of 2016-2017     45.6"
Snowfall winter of 2015-2016     29.5"
Snowfall winter of 2014-2015     50.55"
Snowfall winter of 2013-2014     66.5"
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:52 am

Dunnzoo wrote:As we expect a surge of visitors in the next week, I'll make sure to be there, I expect there will be many drowning their sorrows to excess. And I don't think they will be leaving anytime soon, as the mainland just isn't showing signs of white. I will bring some additional supplies and IVs for hydration, sounds like we're in for an onslaught. See you soon!

Thank you,OTI's capable and dependable Director of OTI EMS! Once you get organized here, we will be having an extra "meeting" at the Coconut Lounge to discuss the extraordinary situation we are facing the next two days.
Wx Statistician Guru
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by Dunnzoo Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:42 am

I changed my flight to get out of Dodge early today as I don't want to be stuck with the massive delays expected due to the incoming storm. We may have some really desperate folks that got caught in these delays, so make sure the Coconut Lounge is fully stocked!


Snowfall winter of 2023-2024  17.5"    

Snowfall winter of 2022-2023       6.0"
Snowfall winter of 2021-2022     17.6"    1" sleet 2/25/22
Snowfall winter of 2020-2021     51.1"
Snowfall winter of 2019-2020       8.5"
Snowfall winter of 2018-2019     25.1"
Snowfall winter of 2017-2018     51.9"
Snowfall winter of 2016-2017     45.6"
Snowfall winter of 2015-2016     29.5"
Snowfall winter of 2014-2015     50.55"
Snowfall winter of 2013-2014     66.5"
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:47 am

As a public service announcement from your Director of the OTI Sanitarium, we have developed a 100% successful therapy program for treatment of acute snow deprivation syndrome, especially acute in the now Wall season right before the Christmas Holiday when ancient melodies like "White Christmas" trigger violent reactions.
We place the unfortunate patient into a comfortable chair in a cold room and hook up an IV of the miracle drug
Pakanakasinkazine ,which is dripped in.All the while ,on an endless loop, this wonderful video is played on a huge screen


We have demonstrated 100% cure rates with this therapy and Nobel Prize authorities are reported to be interested in the methodology!

As ever,
Director of OTI Parliament
Director OTI Sanitarium
Dec 19 Anno Domani 2023 in the season of Wall
Wx Statistician Guru
Wx Statistician Guru

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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by billg315 Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:41 pm

docstox12 wrote:As a public service announcement from your Director of the OTI Sanitarium, we have developed a 100% successful therapy program for treatment of acute snow deprivation syndrome, especially acute in the now Wall season right before the Christmas Holiday when ancient melodies like "White Christmas" trigger violent reactions.
We place the unfortunate patient into a comfortable chair in a cold room and hook up an IV of the miracle drug
Pakanakasinkazine ,which is dripped in.All the while ,on an endless loop, this wonderful video is played on a huge screen


We have demonstrated 100% cure rates with this therapy and Nobel Prize authorities are reported to be interested in the methodology!

As ever,
Director of OTI Parliament
Director OTI Sanitarium
Dec 19 Anno Domani 2023 in the season of Wall

It is good that we have developed a treatment for this acute snow depravation syndrome. Personally, I do not have the acute version. Mine is known as "seasonal" snow depravation syndrome. I only suffer from bouts in Wall and Wing.
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:55 pm

billg315 wrote:
docstox12 wrote:As a public service announcement from your Director of the OTI Sanitarium, we have developed a 100% successful therapy program for treatment of acute snow deprivation syndrome, especially acute in the now Wall season right before the Christmas Holiday when ancient melodies like "White Christmas" trigger violent reactions.
We place the unfortunate patient into a comfortable chair in a cold room and hook up an IV of the miracle drug
Pakanakasinkazine ,which is dripped in.All the while ,on an endless loop, this wonderful video is played on a huge screen


We have demonstrated 100% cure rates with this therapy and Nobel Prize authorities are reported to be interested in the methodology!

As ever,
Director of OTI Parliament
Director OTI Sanitarium
Dec 19 Anno Domani 2023 in the season of Wall

It is good that we have developed a treatment for this acute snow depravation syndrome.  Personally, I do not have the acute version. Mine is known as "seasonal" snow depravation syndrome. I only suffer from bouts in Wall and Wing.

I am pleased to hear ,Chief Justice, of your only minor bouts of SDS during Wall and Wing.Your level headedness is of extreme importance in your management of OTI affairs.
As we head deeper into Wall, I hope that conditions on the Mainland ameliorate somewhat as customs personnel need a break after the massive visitation as a result of the huge rainstorm a few days ago.Hopefully some precipitation of the frozen variety ( I don't to mention that particular word that begins in S and ends in W lest the Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler suffers a relapse and requires more Sanitarium care).
Anyway, Parliament is always appreciative of your work in maintaining our Island!
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by Dunnzoo Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:12 am

docstox12 wrote:As a public service announcement from your Director of the OTI Sanitarium, we have developed a 100% successful therapy program for treatment of acute snow deprivation syndrome, especially acute in the now Wall season right before the Christmas Holiday when ancient melodies like "White Christmas" trigger violent reactions.
We place the unfortunate patient into a comfortable chair in a cold room and hook up an IV of the miracle drug
Pakanakasinkazine ,which is dripped in.All the while ,on an endless loop, this wonderful video is played on a huge screen


We have demonstrated 100% cure rates with this therapy and Nobel Prize authorities are reported to be interested in the methodology!

As ever,
Director of OTI Parliament
Director OTI Sanitarium
Dec 19 Anno Domani 2023 in the season of Wall


Do we have enough capacity for these treatments for an onslaught of visitors? It looks like we may be overrun shortly due to the dismal forecast. I can order some more IV poles and saline, if you can acquire extra seating. We may also need someone at the airport to greet the visitors and direct them to the therapy room if we see they are in distress.


Snowfall winter of 2023-2024  17.5"    

Snowfall winter of 2022-2023       6.0"
Snowfall winter of 2021-2022     17.6"    1" sleet 2/25/22
Snowfall winter of 2020-2021     51.1"
Snowfall winter of 2019-2020       8.5"
Snowfall winter of 2018-2019     25.1"
Snowfall winter of 2017-2018     51.9"
Snowfall winter of 2016-2017     45.6"
Snowfall winter of 2015-2016     29.5"
Snowfall winter of 2014-2015     50.55"
Snowfall winter of 2013-2014     66.5"
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:29 am

Dunnzoo wrote:
docstox12 wrote:As a public service announcement from your Director of the OTI Sanitarium, we have developed a 100% successful therapy program for treatment of acute snow deprivation syndrome, especially acute in the now Wall season right before the Christmas Holiday when ancient melodies like "White Christmas" trigger violent reactions.
We place the unfortunate patient into a comfortable chair in a cold room and hook up an IV of the miracle drug
Pakanakasinkazine ,which is dripped in.All the while ,on an endless loop, this wonderful video is played on a huge screen


We have demonstrated 100% cure rates with this therapy and Nobel Prize authorities are reported to be interested in the methodology!

As ever,
Director of OTI Parliament
Director OTI Sanitarium
Dec 19 Anno Domani 2023 in the season of Wall


Do we have enough capacity for these treatments for an onslaught of visitors? It looks like we may be overrun shortly due to the dismal forecast. I can order some more IV poles and saline, if you can acquire extra seating. We may also need someone at the airport to greet the visitors and direct them to the therapy room if we see they are in distress.

Thank you Director of OTI EMS Services for your timely report!

I will expedite funds with our Treasurer's help for the materials you require.I will also organize teams of staff to go into all the various sectors to pick up palm fronds to help build temporary huts to help house the overflow of Mainland visitors.Luckily our always mild and sunny climate here on OTI ameliorates treatment facilities out of doors!
I have read this morning's long term forecast for the Christmas Holiday on the Mainland, which is especially grim! The massive onslaught will now increase to proportions not seen in OTI since it's inception.Be advised you can message me directly at Parliament as your services are number one on our list, the safety and health of our Mainland guests.
I am seeting up a special area in the Coconut Lounge for your OTI EMS staff and we overworked Parliament officials for "rest and recuperation" during breaks in the upcoming week.
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by Frank_Wx Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:40 pm

I harbor hope that the climatic conditions of January shall assuage symptoms akin to melancholy and foster a more sanguine disposition amongst the denizens of OTI


CLICK HERE to view NJ Strong Snowstorm Classifications
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Thu Dec 21, 2023 4:05 pm

Frank_Wx wrote:I harbor hope that the climatic conditions of January shall assuage symptoms akin to melancholy and foster a more sanguine disposition amongst the denizens of OTI

Our beloved Emperor, your visit here will go down in OTI history and Parliament will declare Dec. 21 Anno Domani officially "Emperor Appreciation Day"! Your hard work at atmospheric analysis and it's positivity do wonders to reduce the melancholia of the stampede of Mainlanders this week.
I will arrange to have a hologram of yourself reciting this post 24/7 at the entrance of the OTI Sanitarium so the "lost" shuffling in for their snow deprivation therapy can take heart with a more positive future.

Your humble servant,

Director of OTI Parliament
Director OTI Sanitarium
Emperor Appreciation Day, Dec 21 ,Anno Domani 2023
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Mon Jan 01, 2024 12:30 am

Happy New Year to all the good citizens of OTI from all the citizens of your brother Republic OOTI

Where the letters M J and O are no longer allowed, and as of midnight tonight we are also banning the number 0 which looks too much like the letter O.

Henceforth if you have a birthday on the 10th, 20th or 30th those birthdays will now be celebrated on the 1st 2nd and 3rd of that month. If you were married on the 10th, 20th or 30th of any month, your marriage has been annulled. If in the past you committed a crime on the 10th, 20th or 30th that conviction has been expunged.

It’s great to live in a world with 5 distinct seasons, Wing, Spring, Summer, Fall and Wall, and no Stratospheric warming events to disrupt our lives by chasing pattern changes that continually disappoint and promises of snow from a time that no longer exists.

Benevolent Dictator of OOTI
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Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:49 pm


Last edited by CPcantmeasuresnow on Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:49 pm

It's a feeding frenzy on the mainland. Six days out and it's getting to the point where the blizzard of 88 would not match the expectations. The let down to come may be the worst we've ever seen.

Doc you need to have every able bodied man, woman, and child ready for the influx by next Sunday of the depressed and suicidal.
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Tue Jan 02, 2024 5:54 am

CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:It's a feeding frenzy on the mainland. Six days out and it's getting to the point where the blizzard of 88 would not match the expectations. The let down to come may be the worst we've ever seen.

Doc you need to have every able bodied man, woman, and child ready for the influx by next Sunday of the depressed and suicidal.

To the most revered and appreciated Benevolent Dictator of OOTI, Treasurer of OTI and Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler:
As you must have noticed on OOTI, the reverse mass exodus of snow deprived Mainlanders on OTI is truly historic as news has spread via the Daily Coconut of OTI amongst other media sources, of the prediction of a pending possible Mainland major snow event.Even the poorly respected NWS source on the Mainland is now fully onboard with the event, stating all snow from Saturday night into Sunday.
I think you will find this to be a win-win situation for our two Islands chain of command and servicing as the mass return exodus is giving officials and staff breathing room to rest and re-equip after the horrible month of December on the Mainland.We were down to our last few remaining kegs of beer and last few bottles of bourbon at the Coconut Lounge, a truly dire and terrible situation, which now will be ameliorated with the time we have gained.
Parliament of OTI is still in session, however, making preliminary plans for the possibility of a total failure of the long range forecasting crew of the Mainland with the subsequent massive re-exodus back into OOTI and OTI as you so accurately predict in your post above.We have a new emergency broadcast system set up between OOTI and OTI to keep you informed of all developments in this rapidly evolving situation:


Director of OTI Parliament
Director of the recently overwhelmed and understaffed OTI Sanitarium
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by Dunnzoo Tue Jan 02, 2024 9:00 am

Glad to report the order of more supplies will be delivered this week, so I will be fully stocked for the crush we will see after this first event. We really were depleted and my staff and I are exhausted. I may stay here a little longer to recover in the quiet before heading back to the Mainland to witness the upcoming rarity. Meet you at the Coconut Lounge!


Snowfall winter of 2023-2024  17.5"    

Snowfall winter of 2022-2023       6.0"
Snowfall winter of 2021-2022     17.6"    1" sleet 2/25/22
Snowfall winter of 2020-2021     51.1"
Snowfall winter of 2019-2020       8.5"
Snowfall winter of 2018-2019     25.1"
Snowfall winter of 2017-2018     51.9"
Snowfall winter of 2016-2017     45.6"
Snowfall winter of 2015-2016     29.5"
Snowfall winter of 2014-2015     50.55"
Snowfall winter of 2013-2014     66.5"
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Tue Jan 02, 2024 10:09 am

Dunnzoo wrote:Glad to report the order of more supplies will be delivered this week, so I will be fully stocked for the crush we will see after this first event. We really were depleted and my staff and I are exhausted. I may stay here a little longer to recover in the quiet before heading back to the Mainland to witness the upcoming rarity. Meet you at the Coconut Lounge!

Before you head back to the Mainland, tomorrow Parliament is rewarding you with the OTI EMS Excellent Achievement Award for your performing above and beyond the normal call of duty during the December mass exodus into OTI.The many Mainlanders who were helped by your team will go down in OTI's history books.
Parliament is paying for EMT Day at the Coconut Lounge for you and your staff right after the award ceremony.You may have to plan on a recuperation day at the beach on Sector 2.
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Post by Dunnzoo Tue Jan 02, 2024 10:27 am

docstox12 wrote:
Dunnzoo wrote:Glad to report the order of more supplies will be delivered this week, so I will be fully stocked for the crush we will see after this first event. We really were depleted and my staff and I are exhausted. I may stay here a little longer to recover in the quiet before heading back to the Mainland to witness the upcoming rarity. Meet you at the Coconut Lounge!

Before you head back to the Mainland, tomorrow Parliament is rewarding you with the OTI EMS Excellent Achievement Award for your performing above and beyond the normal call of duty during the December mass exodus into OTI.The many Mainlanders who were helped by your team will go down in OTI's history books.
Parliament is paying for EMT Day at the Coconut Lounge for you and your staff right after the award ceremony.You may have to plan on a recuperation day at the beach on Sector 2.

Thank you sir, it's an honor to be of service to the many Mainlanders suffering the drought this season. I will plan my return for later in the week. On behalf of my staff and myself, thank you to all on the island that helped coordinate the resources needed during this time. We will see you tomorrow!


Snowfall winter of 2023-2024  17.5"    

Snowfall winter of 2022-2023       6.0"
Snowfall winter of 2021-2022     17.6"    1" sleet 2/25/22
Snowfall winter of 2020-2021     51.1"
Snowfall winter of 2019-2020       8.5"
Snowfall winter of 2018-2019     25.1"
Snowfall winter of 2017-2018     51.9"
Snowfall winter of 2016-2017     45.6"
Snowfall winter of 2015-2016     29.5"
Snowfall winter of 2014-2015     50.55"
Snowfall winter of 2013-2014     66.5"
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by docstox12 Wed Jan 03, 2024 6:39 am


It has come to our attention monitoring Mainland long range forecasts of the government sanctioned NWS aka NOOA, that whatever snow may fall from this still to be determined weekend storm, will be washed away within days by a midweek soaker rainstorm of 1 to 2 inches.Expect Mainlanders with snow withdrawal symptoms caused by the rapid disappearance of the snow as well as a return to the locked in pattern there since Nov 1.
All OTI and OOTI staff, use this brief period for rest, rehabilitation and re stocking as we at Parliament expect a return shortly of the massive immigration to both OTI and OOTI, not only for the lack of snowpack time, but its immediate loss.
Updates will be sent to both Islands agencies to keep those advised on this rapidly developing situation!

Director of OTI Parliament
Director of OTI Sanitarium
Jan 3 Anno Domani 2024
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OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023 - Page 29 Empty Re: OTI- Radiation contained - The Island is habitable again as of Jan 2023

Post by Dunnzoo Sat Jan 06, 2024 10:05 pm


I will be ready to go tomorrow, the disappointment on the mainland is at critical levels. I set a curfew for my staff so they will be ready to go first thing in the morning, so please make sure the kitchen staff, the Sanitarium, and the Coconut Lounge are ready to go. I believe we will see numbers we haven't seen in a long time.


Snowfall winter of 2023-2024  17.5"    

Snowfall winter of 2022-2023       6.0"
Snowfall winter of 2021-2022     17.6"    1" sleet 2/25/22
Snowfall winter of 2020-2021     51.1"
Snowfall winter of 2019-2020       8.5"
Snowfall winter of 2018-2019     25.1"
Snowfall winter of 2017-2018     51.9"
Snowfall winter of 2016-2017     45.6"
Snowfall winter of 2015-2016     29.5"
Snowfall winter of 2014-2015     50.55"
Snowfall winter of 2013-2014     66.5"
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