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Banter Thread 6.0

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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by docstox12 Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:01 pm

sroc4 wrote:
essexcountypete wrote:Climate Change: Global Temperature

Planet-warming trend continues: 2020 closes hottest decade on record – UN weather agency

These sorts of articles are kind of funny when you think about it.  The title says it all.  "Hottest decade on record"  What record are they looking at?  Modern day records?  Well if that the case how many decades are actually "On record"?  If we go back to say 1860, around the civil war lets say, thats still only 16 decades worth of data.  And really since the satellite era (1950's) thats only 7 decades of data to compare.  Thats a pretty small sample size when your talking about a time scale thats in the hundreds of millions of decades for the planet. Now if you want to look at ice core data now vs say the last few hundred thousand years, STILL A DROP IN THE BUCKET ON EARTHS TIME SCALE, you can see there have been at least 3 probably 4 times in history that the global temps have been warmer than they are now.  And as you can see there is a clear cycle occurring.  Also take note in the graph how until recent times CO@ and spikes in temps have correlated very well in an almost 1:1 ratio.  However; the CO2 levels are currently off the charts but the temps are still flat lined(with year to year variability.  See Mugsy's graph on the much smaller time scale for the details).  That sharp spike you see close to present time was the 2012 super nino.  This graph gives us a smaple size of about 40,000 decades to look at.  Again relatively speaking still a small sample, but better.  

Unfort too many cont to deny all the other evidence staring them in the face of the natural cyclical nature of nature.  And once again (dead horse beaten) man made influences are definitely a part of the equation we are not behind the wheel.  We are merely the annoying kid in the back whining about needing to pee again, and wanting to stop for McDonald's or something.  Eventually we(planet earth) will get to where she is going(back into the cold period) and man will once again be humbled by the fact that we play a minuscule role overall compared to the big picture.  

Now back to tracking.

Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Temps10

Those ice core samples tell the tale.My standard answer , and if you heard this from me before, forgive an old man who repeats himself a lot (from my wife).At one time where I sat on the land my house is on in the LHV, I would be underwater.Then, there was 100 feet of ice.All long before man even walked the planet.The earth will do what it wants to do.As Doc says, there is some contribution due to CO2 and I agree with wind and solar, and in the interim, natural gas eliminating coal.I hope I live to see the day of autonomous EV's that I could rent by the hour to get around, thereby getting rid of 2 cars, eliminating mechanics and car insurance, and getting garage space for other uses.The bottom line is that if trillions are spent worldwide switching to alternative energy sources, the earth could pull a fast one and warm up as it did in many millenia ago.
Hilarious Doc, the whiney kid in the back seat.

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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by sroc4 Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:42 pm

essexcountypete wrote:
amugs wrote:This gentlemen is  extremely thorough and independent researcher on this topic that ties into his Geomagnetic Cycle along with terrestrial/planetary research he has performed. Written a number of books used at colleges on this. No he is not tied to ANY federal or international grant money.
Worth the 3 minute watch

I try to keep an open mind and I did watch the video. I couldn't figure out who the researcher was from the video or the youtube channel ABOUT page, but a little googling brought up a number of stories about Suspicious0bservers and Ben Davidson, and neither seem to have such a good reputation.

It seems that Ben Davidson has no science training, has degree in economics from Denison University and a Juris Doctorate from Capital University Law School.

Suspicious0bservers is a Pseudoscientific Doomsday Cult


I'll spend some time when I can to explore this more.

Ben Davidson gets attacked by the mainstream because he doesn't fall in line with what is being pushed.  Unfortunately google intentionally suppresses information that is conservative and contradictory to what story line is these days and highlights the narrative and the opposition to all those against the narrative.   He presents hundreds if not thousands of papers from actual climate researchers whos findings at the very least question the idea that man made global warming is the only explanation.  For some reason this information isnt at the forefront or at least discussed.  

Watch these video' and keep in mind this point.  This isnt a debate about man made global warming vs natural variation.  This is about not silencing the discussion.  For some reason people dont want to discuss other things.  Claim its pseudo science.  None sense.  

As a Dr myself I understand that science is never 100%.  Just when we think things are figured out we realize oops we now know more and our previous understanding has now evolved based on the new technology and data etc.   And with humans just scratching the surface of our understanding of the cosmos it is plain ignorance to claim we have it figured out.


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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by billg315 Wed Feb 10, 2021 6:01 pm

I've said this before and I'll say it again, a lot of people - usually of a certain political ideology - routinely conflate the terms "science" and "fact" as if there is a 100% certain scientific answer for everything so your only options are: it's science, or it's false. Then they find the "scientific" evidence that supports their theory of choice and say "see, science; you now must admit I'm right." When in fact there is much in science that is unsettled, disputed, and a point of debate. In fact the scientific process is entirely based upon collecting data and testing various ideas for what explains or creates that data, often with no certainty as to what the answer is. So in any scientific debate, one must be open to a variety of ideas -- not just the one that fits the narrative they prefer. Unfortunately, too many people in the climate change discussion, are more interested in pushing a viewpoint that they believe will advance a certain agenda rather than actually sorting out the science of this matter. I'll be the first to admit I have no idea who is right about this issue. My guess is, as usual, there is some truth to be found on all sides.
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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by sroc4 Wed Feb 10, 2021 6:11 pm

billg315 wrote:I've said this before and I'll say it again, a lot of people - usually of a certain political ideology - routinely conflate the terms "science" and "fact" as if there is a 100% certain scientific answer for everything so your only options are: it's science, or it's false. Then they find the "scientific" evidence that supports their theory of choice and say "see, science; you now must admit I'm right." When in fact there is much in science that is unsettled, disputed, and a point of debate. In fact the scientific process is entirely based upon collecting data and testing various ideas for what explains or creates that data, often with no certainty as to what the answer is. So in any scientific debate, one must be open to a variety of ideas -- not just the one that fits the narrative they prefer. Unfortunately, too many people in the climate change discussion, are more interested in pushing a viewpoint that they believe will advance a certain agenda rather than actually sorting out the science of this matter. I'll be the first to admit I have no idea who is right about this issue. My guess is, as usual, there is some truth to be found on all sides.

Bill if you haven't watched the videos I posted above you should really check them out. I know its about an hour and a half of your time but they are very informative. Again this isnt about right or wrong. Its about why is the discussion over?

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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by docstox12 Wed Feb 10, 2021 6:15 pm

billg315 wrote:I've said this before and I'll say it again, a lot of people - usually of a certain political ideology - routinely conflate the terms "science" and "fact" as if there is a 100% certain scientific answer for everything so your only options are: it's science, or it's false. Then they find the "scientific" evidence that supports their theory of choice and say "see, science; you now must admit I'm right." When in fact there is much in science that is unsettled, disputed, and a point of debate. In fact the scientific process is entirely based upon collecting data and testing various ideas for what explains or creates that data, often with no certainty as to what the answer is. So in any scientific debate, one must be open to a variety of ideas -- not just the one that fits the narrative they prefer. Unfortunately, too many people in the climate change discussion, are more interested in pushing a viewpoint that they believe will advance a certain agenda rather than actually sorting out the science of this matter. I'll be the first to admit I have no idea who is right about this issue. My guess is, as usual, there is some truth to be found on all sides.

billg, the problem is with colleges now where anybody with a conservative viewpoints is ridiculed or bullied.Art Laffer, a conservative economist, was invited to a college in upstate NY.He was harassed, threatened , and shouted at before he could even give his lecture.The only viewpoints allowed are those of the left.So much for "higher education" and it's supposed freedom to discuss all ideas in a logical and rational way in a peaceful environment.This same mind set carries into the climate discussions where you are a "climate denier" or called an idiot for even questioning the global warming camp.This is a dark and dangerous path these colleges are taking and it will lead to a totalitarian system eventually, either of the left or right.
I love this board because it reminds me of what the USA used to be in the 1950's and 1960's, everybody discussing different ideas in a friendly, civil manner.We all benefit from the exchange of different ideas.Weather humbles anybody with it's twists and turns, so open minds help to learn and understand.
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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by amugs Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:14 pm

@Essex - I thank you for keeping an open mind but as Scott wrote IF you do not follow their agenda you get smeared, called out, cancelled. Truth and called a denier. I have been labeled this by my peers at work and could give a rats behind less because whenever a big storm or cold wave is coming they ask me what do I think - what hypocrites but as a true man I tell them. Some do not like it and say some really absurd things and these are mostly science teachers!! So as I say to my students when we study "Green" Technologies (they are not green at all and I'll discuss at length if need be since I have been studying this with my students since 1994) you have to dig and look at independent sources which are hard to find nowadays but they are out their. People listen and just follow like sheep whatever MSM and teh technocrats feed us.

Yes, he has a degree from Denison but has published more articles and books on planetary and the earths cycles and geomagnetism than many who are held in high regard in their fields. His points are well researched and documented and their are thousands of other scientist that support his ideas, research and or use them - Zharkova the great and profound Russian scientist for one.

I read both sides but how is warm cold and cold warm?? How can we be told for 20 years that we would be in peril and the oceans will flood our coasts to the point we cant live tehre, this generation will never see snow again, the Arctic and Antarctic would be ice free, the Polar Bears are on the brink of extinction, yada yada yada and what has occurred? The ice has held stead and grown by vast amounts in Antarctica, Arctic region is doing fine neither is ice free, Greenland is off the charts for both, Polar Bears are in record numbers, the coasts are not under water and uninhabitable but we keep building in areas that are flood prone that we should not - all over the world 1/3 of USA population is on coasts and 1/2 are on land that 30 years ago plus was deemed not worthy for building or living on due to high prone flood potential. BUT what does man do build.

Oh and Obama has purchased a 12 million dollar home on Martha's Vineyard facing the ocean on the south shore of teh island his house sit 150' from the Atlantic - no seawall, barrier, 10' dune nada - land elevation is 3-4' at most. Why would someone who says we need to go green and climate change is real agreeing with their beliefs do such?? No excuse if you agree yuo buy a mansion in the mountains of Appalachia away from teh tidal flood waters imo.

So we live on a rock floating through space that we have no control over its direction - teh earth's pole are shifting, teh sun is in what is a Grand Solar Minimum cycle and we will have weather and geomagnetic events happen that we have not seen in a long time for record keeping and some more than that in teh coming years ahead.

Magnetic Pole Flip

AKA:King: Snow Weenie
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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by amugs Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:16 pm

This spells disaster for Texas
Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Et5gznvUcAEiGtK?format=png&name=medium

AKA:King: Snow Weenie
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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by dkodgis Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:59 pm

Doc, I agree and I wish I had an answer about why things have changed so much.  For me, parents, neighbors, relatives, teachers, coaches, and of course my own inner light kept me civilized.  It seems too permissive these days in that people say whatever ,whenever, and social media has amped up freedom of expression.  I was much quieter about expressing myself due to the burden and responsibility to think first, say later; today, it seems obligatory for people to talk first and be right even if wrong. That would not be so bad except being right is more important than the facts and thus we have knock-down, gouge-your-eyes-out, blood'n'guts, bar-emptying, bare-knuckle exchanges instead of discourse. Discourse-well, somehow the light bulb got turned off over that concept. It's in hiding, hiding in the dark.
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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by docstox12 Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:04 am

dkodgis wrote:Doc, I agree and I wish I had an answer about why things have changed so much.  For me, parents, neighbors, relatives, teachers, coaches, and of course my own inner light kept me civilized.  It seems too permissive these days in that people say whatever ,whenever, and social media has amped up freedom of expression.  I was much quieter about expressing myself due to the burden and responsibility to think first, say later; today, it seems obligatory for people to talk first and be right even if wrong. That would not be so bad except being right is more important than the facts and thus we have knock-down, gouge-your-eyes-out, blood'n'guts, bar-emptying, bare-knuckle exchanges instead of discourse. Discourse-well, somehow the light bulb got turned off over that concept. It's in hiding, hiding in the dark.

Damian, agree 100% on the social media.People can be abusive and aggressive behind the safety of a keyboard in their own home.In my day's of going to many a shot and beer joint in the 1970's, you watched your mouth because loud mouths found themselves in the parking lot using their fists to back up a dumbass argument another big guy found offensive, usually with significant damage physically.Today, there is no consequence for aggressive, arrogant behavior behind a keyboard.
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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by dkodgis Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:25 am

Thanks, Doc. A shot and a beer joint...I remember those well.

On a lighter note, daylight savings time is a wee bit more than a month away. Until then, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by docstox12 Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:41 am

dkodgis wrote:Thanks, Doc. A shot and a beer joint...I remember those well.

On a lighter note, daylight savings time is a wee bit more than a month away. Until then, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Yep, notice it being still light around 5 30 PM and brightening up now at 6 30 am.
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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by amugs Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:07 am

docstox12 wrote:
dkodgis wrote:Doc, I agree and I wish I had an answer about why things have changed so much.  For me, parents, neighbors, relatives, teachers, coaches, and of course my own inner light kept me civilized.  It seems too permissive these days in that people say whatever ,whenever, and social media has amped up freedom of expression.  I was much quieter about expressing myself due to the burden and responsibility to think first, say later; today, it seems obligatory for people to talk first and be right even if wrong. That would not be so bad except being right is more important than the facts and thus we have knock-down, gouge-your-eyes-out, blood'n'guts, bar-emptying, bare-knuckle exchanges instead of discourse. Discourse-well, somehow the light bulb got turned off over that concept. It's in hiding, hiding in the dark.

Damian, agree 100% on the social media.People can be abusive and aggressive behind the safety of a keyboard in their own home.In my day's of going to many a shot and beer joint in the 1970's, you watched your mouth because loud mouths found themselves in the parking lot using their fists to back up a dumbass argument another big guy found offensive, usually with significant damage physically.Today, there is no consequence for aggressive, arrogant behavior behind a keyboard.

Key board warriors Doc - they have no guts if challenged and hide like scary cats. Yes if you had a problem you aired it out sometimes fist cuffs played a part. I know it did for me quite a few times from my young days until my college days. Was fortunate to come out with some bruises and scraps.
No consequences for ANYTHING - words, actions etc if you are not on the 'right" side of thins. What happened to disagreeing with one opinion or even worse belief? You are labelled. That brings on discontent, discourse and feelings or emotional anger inside.
"The masses are irrational" as the great Socrates once said and this has proven time and time again.
People will follow like sheep and be lead to teh slaughter whatever that may be and again history ALWAYS repeats itself - just need to learn it for not so much what is taught but from ones own deep dive into truth like I have realized about our Civil War in the last few years. 80% of the southern plantation owners where.. wait for it... Northern Industrialists!!! What the heck does that tell ya! Do your research and you'll find the answers. Many and I mean many disagree with me but I am okay with that, I do not call them deniers or racists or any of the such, I say you have your belief and idea and I have mine and they get mad. Over what? Cause I disagree. You want to fight LOL?? They would not dare if I proposed such.
My God the crown is the ruler of the land with the Rothschild (Bank of) has been since the late 1700's and still today do not be fooled by such. Follow the $$$$ and you'll get your answer - "we are but pawns in a kings game" - King John II Fiefdom 1215 Magna Carter which is our National Archives - what does that tell ya??
Funny when my son used his fists a few times to protect himself on 3 such occasions he was labelled as a n angry boy and needs to control his temper adn is abusive. I told one parent to mind his fn business and his response - you want to fight - I laughed and said your an ahole and walked away. He said punk like your kid when I whipped around and said really I'll meet you any day and at anytime if you want. When I got close he backpeddled and made fists and his wife yelled at me as the aggressor and jumped in between - I said you do not have a clue and walked away. So typical of today society yell yuor head off call names but when push comes to show curl up in a ball and yell derogatory names. Irony, had to hold my wife back LOL from her going after them both. People say what they want and their aren't consequences. I feel better now thanks for reading!

AKA:King: Snow Weenie
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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by docstox12 Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:27 am

amugs wrote:
docstox12 wrote:
dkodgis wrote:Doc, I agree and I wish I had an answer about why things have changed so much.  For me, parents, neighbors, relatives, teachers, coaches, and of course my own inner light kept me civilized.  It seems too permissive these days in that people say whatever ,whenever, and social media has amped up freedom of expression.  I was much quieter about expressing myself due to the burden and responsibility to think first, say later; today, it seems obligatory for people to talk first and be right even if wrong. That would not be so bad except being right is more important than the facts and thus we have knock-down, gouge-your-eyes-out, blood'n'guts, bar-emptying, bare-knuckle exchanges instead of discourse. Discourse-well, somehow the light bulb got turned off over that concept. It's in hiding, hiding in the dark.

Damian, agree 100% on the social media.People can be abusive and aggressive behind the safety of a keyboard in their own home.In my day's of going to many a shot and beer joint in the 1970's, you watched your mouth because loud mouths found themselves in the parking lot using their fists to back up a dumbass argument another big guy found offensive, usually with significant damage physically.Today, there is no consequence for aggressive, arrogant behavior behind a keyboard.

Key board warriors Doc - they have no guts if challenged and hide like scary cats. Yes if you had a problem you aired it out sometimes fist cuffs played a part. I know it did for me quite a few times from my young days until my college days. Was fortunate to come out with some bruises and scraps.
No consequences for ANYTHING - words, actions etc if you are not on the 'right" side of thins. What happened to disagreeing with one opinion or even worse belief? You are labelled. That brings on discontent, discourse and feelings or emotional anger inside.
"The masses are irrational" as the great Socrates once said and this has proven time and time again.
People will follow like sheep and be lead to teh slaughter whatever that may be and again history ALWAYS repeats itself - just need to learn it for not so much what is taught but from ones own deep dive into truth like I have realized about our Civil War in the last few years. 80% of the southern plantation owners where.. wait for it... Northern Industrialists!!! What the heck does that tell ya! Do your research and you'll find the answers. Many and I mean many disagree with me but I am okay with that, I do not call them deniers or racists or any of the such, I say you have your belief and idea and I have mine and they get mad. Over what? Cause I disagree. You want  to fight LOL?? They would not dare if I proposed such.
My God the crown is the ruler of the land with the Rothschild (Bank of) has been since the late 1700's and still today do not be fooled by such. Follow the $$$$ and you'll get your answer - "we are but pawns in a kings game" - King John II Fiefdom 1215 Magna Carter which is our National  Archives - what does that tell ya??
Funny when my son used his fists a few times to protect himself on 3 such occasions he was labelled as a n angry boy and needs to control his temper adn is abusive. I told one parent to mind his fn business and his response - you want to fight - I laughed and said your an ahole and walked away. He said punk like your kid when I whipped around and said really I'll meet you any day and at anytime if you want. When I got close he backpeddled and made fists and his wife yelled at me as the aggressor and jumped in between - I said you do not have a clue and walked away. So typical of today society yell yuor head off call names but when push comes to show curl up in a ball and yell derogatory names. Irony, had to hold my wife back LOL from her going after them both.  People say what they want and their aren't consequences. I feel better now thanks for reading!

Great post Mugsy.They said your son was "an angry boy ".In my day, we were all angry boys I guess, because that's what boys do, challenge and fight,LOL.Had my scrapes but was blessed with a long reach so I could pop in a few light jabs and the fight would stop.All fights then ended with a handshake , not with guns and knives like today.No grudges were held and life went on.Still, those memories of getting popped in the face kept me in line in later years at the shot and beer joints.Quiet discussion, a few laughs and drink your booze and go.Saw some nasty bar fights in my days for sure and wanted no part of them,LOL.
Rothschilds financed the Central Powers and the Allies in WW II.That says it all about the dirtbag Central Bankers.JFK wanted to end the FED and issue US Notes backed by silver.Some got into circulation, but were all pulled after he was knocked off.FED and the globalist bankers would have lost billions if the FED was abolished like JFK wanted.
Anyway, lets get these next two storms to produce up here so we can continue this amazing winter period.
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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by amugs Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:19 am

Rothschilds financed the Central Powers and the Allies in WW II.That says it all about the dirtbag Central Bankers.JFK wanted to end the FED and issue US Notes backed by silver.Some got into circulation, but were all pulled after he was knocked off.FED and the globalist bankers would have lost billions if the FED was abolished like JFK wanted.

Your a conspirator like me LOL!! It is true - I have done a few deep dive researches into this and the few billionaires run teh entire world and financed the wars and teh culprits. The crown always pull us into conflicts and laughs or pulls out and leaves it up to us to figure out. It is their 250 year way of getting us back for the Revolution. Illuminati - the secret cult started By Weishaupt during the American Revolution and then later reinvigorated by American Albert Pike in this country along with with Russian Communists - Marx who was a German hmm see the connection here to Lenin and Trostky with the Bolsheviks to Stalin who went even more hardcore and removed these two.
Yes my grandmother always said when she got the paper off the machine at the FBO n NY where she worked for the director back then as his secretary she read it him in his office and he said "they got JFK" and she said whose they as he stared into the air - I never thought they would but they got him and she said Lee (his first name) who is they and he looked at her and asked her to leave the office he had to make a few calls. He also smokes a pack of cancer sticks but that was meaningless to what just happened.
Onto more Winter here Doc. Maybe a Kinchley's meet up in the near future with the HV and BC region peeps??

AKA:King: Snow Weenie
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Banter Thread 6.0 - Page 4 Empty Re: Banter Thread 6.0

Post by Irish Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:24 am

docstox12 wrote:
dkodgis wrote:Doc, I agree and I wish I had an answer about why things have changed so much.  For me, parents, neighbors, relatives, teachers, coaches, and of course my own inner light kept me civilized.  It seems too permissive these days in that people say whatever ,whenever, and social media has amped up freedom of expression.  I was much quieter about expressing myself due to the burden and responsibility to think first, say later; today, it seems obligatory for people to talk first and be right even if wrong. That would not be so bad except being right is more important than the facts and thus we have knock-down, gouge-your-eyes-out, blood'n'guts, bar-emptying, bare-knuckle exchanges instead of discourse. Discourse-well, somehow the light bulb got turned off over that concept. It's in hiding, hiding in the dark.

Damian, agree 100% on the social media.People can be abusive and aggressive behind the safety of a keyboard in their own home.In my day's of going to many a shot and beer joint in the 1970's, you watched your mouth because loud mouths found themselves in the parking lot using their fists to back up a dumbass argument another big guy found offensive, usually with significant damage physically.Today, there is no consequence for aggressive, arrogant behavior behind a keyboard.

It's not even just behind a keyboard, it could be behind a podium too. Case in point, the former President of the United States! Dude incited a riot at the Capitol to try and stay in power (and actually steal the election) and because of his slimy pee-ons, he won't be found guilty, regardless of the obvious and overwhelming evidence. So he can, and did say, whatever he wanted and will get away with it. Pure insanity! affraid
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Post by docstox12 Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:32 am

amugs wrote:Rothschilds financed the Central Powers and the Allies in WW II.That says it all about the dirtbag Central Bankers.JFK wanted to end the FED and issue US Notes backed by silver.Some got into circulation, but were all pulled after he was knocked off.FED and the globalist bankers would have lost billions if the FED was abolished like JFK wanted.

Your a conspirator like me LOL!! It is true - I have done a few deep dive researches into this and the few billionaires run teh entire world and financed the wars and teh culprits. The crown always pull us into conflicts and laughs or pulls out and leaves it up to us to figure out. It is their 250 year way of getting us back for the Revolution. Illuminati - the secret cult started By Weishaupt during the American Revolution and then later reinvigorated by American Albert Pike in this country along with with Russian Communists - Marx who was a German hmm see the connection here to Lenin and Trostky with the Bolsheviks to Stalin who went even more hardcore and removed these two.
Yes my grandmother always said when she got the paper off the machine at the FBO n NY where she worked for the director back then as his secretary she read it him in his office and he said "they got JFK" and she said whose they as he stared into the air - I never thought they would but they got him and she said Lee (his first name) who is they and he looked at her and asked her to leave the office he had to make a few calls. He also smokes a pack of cancer sticks but that was meaningless to what just happened.
Onto more Winter here Doc. Maybe a Kinchley's meet up in the near future with the HV and BC region peeps??

That Kinchleys' wing ding sounds great Mugsy.Have not been there since 2014 when I moved to the HV.One of these days, we have to discuss the JFK Assassination, of which I have read 3 or 4 books and have the History Channel videos "The Men Who Killed Kennedy".Over beers, of course.They are supposed to release all records in 2027, conveniently when most people connected to it will be dead.It's a fascinating topic of a coup that actually occurred , violating the vote of the American People.MANY interests wanted JFK dead.Until then........back to winter.
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Post by Grselig Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:06 pm

Love to hear thr JFK info. Fascinating. Im a dem, minority for this board, but love the discussion! To me science is a process of proving or disproving a theory. Its a process of growing knowledge by testing. Expanding what we know by challenging. Its not a noun. I hate how its meaning has changed.
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Post by essexcountypete Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:15 pm

Kinchley's !!!! Even us lowly Essex folks make our way up north to get Kinchley's. The hard part is choosing the pies. Fra diavolo? Bacon? Mini meatball?

If you find your way down this way, try Star Tavern in Orange. 10 minutes off the GSP. Similar thin crust bar pie style, as good as Kinchley's in my eyes. Fried calamari is awesome and great wings like Kinchley's.
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Post by docstox12 Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:35 pm

essexcountypete wrote:Kinchley's !!!! Even us lowly Essex folks make our way up north to get Kinchley's. The hard part is choosing the pies. Fra diavolo? Bacon? Mini meatball?

If you find your way down this way, try Star Tavern in Orange. 10 minutes off the GSP. Similar thin crust bar pie style, as good as Kinchley's in my eyes. Fried calamari is awesome and great wings like Kinchley's.

Pete, I read about the Star Tavern in an article in the Bergen Record about the best pizza places in NJ.Glad to hear you folks a little south come to Kinchley's.I lived within a mile of there for 35 years, and got a pizza there (mushroom) every week.Funny thing was the same barflies, contractors, were always at the bar when I picked up my pizza.They just aged for 35 years,LOL.I picked one up on the evening of the Feb 1983 snowstorm.Walked in the door to a light , fine snow.Walked out 5 minutes later to 3 inch and hour rate snow that lasted over 6 hours.
They opened right there in 1937 , and the place is pretty much the same as then.
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Post by dkodgis Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:38 pm

History is replete with turning points, and will be replete with turning points, and as Shakespeare observed, we are all men and women who are merely players. However, the Kinchley's thing sounds very good to me-especially after I get my second vaccination shot. I think we are all feeling better now that we have snow to talk about. We will all feel even better after a Kinchley's pizza. Hell I just plain feel better because I'm an optimist. The shovel is half-full and there's more snow coming!
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Post by docstox12 Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:44 pm

Grselig wrote:Love to hear thr JFK info.  Fascinating.  Im a dem, minority for this board, but love the discussion!  To me science is a process of proving or disproving a theory.   Its a process of growing knowledge by testing. Expanding what we know by challenging.  Its not a noun.  I hate how its meaning has changed.  

Grselig, no problem here in this board, we don't get into politics.After all, it's the wealthy people that run this country, we are mere peasants,LOL.

I worked for a year full time in the summer of 1970 and part time for 1971 , for the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons in Fort Lee NJ.I was a jack of all trades in that lab where they were growing human kidney cells and challenging them with a virus to produce Interferon.At the time, they were thinking it would cure cancer.One of the Doctors there, Dr. Kassel, was a researcher, and I asked him how he felt about the project possibly being a dead end, which, sadly, it turned out to be.He said, "well, then, a scientific researcher will use the data 25 years from now in maybe finding the cure.That exactly what science is.Gathering facts and putting them together in a rational, logical non emotional way.

Funny thing about the Interferon.I was in charge of the lab mice and the animals would be inoculated with cancer cells in the axilla area.They would have marble sized tumors under their arms.When they were infused with Interferon made with mouse cells, the cancer was 100% cured.I saw it with my own eyes.Sadly, it did not translate over to humans or cancer would have been cured in 1971.
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Post by Grselig Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:58 pm

docstox12 wrote:
Grselig wrote:Love to hear thr JFK info.  Fascinating.  Im a dem, minority for this board, but love the discussion!  To me science is a process of proving or disproving a theory.   Its a process of growing knowledge by testing. Expanding what we know by challenging.  Its not a noun.  I hate how its meaning has changed.  

Grselig, no problem here in this board, we don't get into politics.After all, it's the wealthy people that run this country, we are mere peasants,LOL.

I worked for a year full time in the summer of 1970 and part time for 1971 , for the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons in Fort Lee NJ.I was a jack of all trades in that lab where they were growing human kidney cells and challenging them with a virus to produce Interferon.At the time, they were thinking it would cure cancer.One of the Doctors there, Dr. Kassel, was a researcher, and I asked him how he felt about the project possibly being a dead end, which, sadly, it turned out to be.He said, "well, then, a scientific researcher will use the data 25 years from now in maybe finding the cure.That exactly what science is.Gathering facts and putting them together in a rational, logical non emotional way.

Funny thing about the Interferon.I was in charge of the lab mice and the animals would be inoculated with cancer cells in the axilla area.They would have marble sized tumors under their arms.When they were infused with Interferon made with mouse cells, the cancer was 100% cured.I saw it with my own eyes.Sadly, it did not translate over to humans or cancer would have been cured in 1971.

Exactly. But wish it did lead to a cure! So much pain. Most people on the board (every regular poster) is always respectful. Very cool. Its good to disagree. Thats how we learn. I loved Kinchlys when I was in Mahwah. Will go back. Isnt there another place down the road. Similar pizza.
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Post by Grselig Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:58 pm

docstox12 wrote:
Grselig wrote:Love to hear thr JFK info.  Fascinating.  Im a dem, minority for this board, but love the discussion!  To me science is a process of proving or disproving a theory.   Its a process of growing knowledge by testing. Expanding what we know by challenging.  Its not a noun.  I hate how its meaning has changed.  

Grselig, no problem here in this board, we don't get into politics.After all, it's the wealthy people that run this country, we are mere peasants,LOL.

I worked for a year full time in the summer of 1970 and part time for 1971 , for the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons in Fort Lee NJ.I was a jack of all trades in that lab where they were growing human kidney cells and challenging them with a virus to produce Interferon.At the time, they were thinking it would cure cancer.One of the Doctors there, Dr. Kassel, was a researcher, and I asked him how he felt about the project possibly being a dead end, which, sadly, it turned out to be.He said, "well, then, a scientific researcher will use the data 25 years from now in maybe finding the cure.That exactly what science is.Gathering facts and putting them together in a rational, logical non emotional way.

Funny thing about the Interferon.I was in charge of the lab mice and the animals would be inoculated with cancer cells in the axilla area.They would have marble sized tumors under their arms.When they were infused with Interferon made with mouse cells, the cancer was 100% cured.I saw it with my own eyes.Sadly, it did not translate over to humans or cancer would have been cured in 1971.

Exactly. But wish it did lead to a cure! So much pain. Most people on the board (every regular poster) is always respectful. Very cool. Its good to disagree. Thats how we learn. I loved Kinchlys when I was in Mahwah. Will go back. Isnt there another place down the road. Similar pizza.
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Post by Grselig Thu Feb 11, 2021 1:04 pm

Well, i really have no patience for warmacists. Call me closed minded, i dont care. They must be in bad shape now.
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Post by amugs Thu Feb 11, 2021 1:29 pm

The CIA psy ops in this country and with hour military is off the charts on both sides and has been. I know a few high level people in intelligence who have said - do not believe the theatrical show that is being played in front of you. You will be fooled 100% of the time. The behind teh cloak of darkness in the shadows is where the real "things" occur. If they ever showed us in our faces we'd be freaked out. This person was a interrogator of the Taliban, Isis and did 3-4 tours of duty in the middle east and has been to Georgia and Poland 3x in the last 2 years for stints. Heck they are recording what i am writing now and everything we say and speak over the communications. So many do not want to believe this and that is fine but I have to say sometimes knowing to much is not good.
Alas on JFK, my wife's uncle was in teh service and he used that rifle the supposedly Oswald knocked off JFK with. His expert range offices in 1969 said during training there aint no way in hell that operative did that damage from that angle with this gun. and he showed them how long it took to reload that rifle and the accuracy of it at that distance. Then he said boyz, that's all I have to say as a 25 year combat military expert on this rifle, Put the rifle down and went about their business. Uncle Mike tells that story like it was yesterday for him adn he and his mates were left in shock because that is what they were told and informed of. To think anything else yuo were labeled a cook, nut job, wacko, conspiracy theorists etc.

Anyway Kinchley's - I look into it. Doc 1983 was an amazing blizzard as of 8AM CBS FM said maybe 1-3" its going OTS and I was bummed. Then at 1 PM as my teacher came back fro lunch he said we are going to start snowing in about 45 minutes adn its going to be a blizzard - teh whole class erupted in joy!!

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Post by GreyBeard Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:34 pm

docstox12 wrote:
essexcountypete wrote:Kinchley's !!!! Even us lowly Essex folks make our way up north to get Kinchley's. The hard part is choosing the pies. Fra diavolo? Bacon? Mini meatball?

If you find your way down this way, try Star Tavern in Orange. 10 minutes off the GSP. Similar thin crust bar pie style, as good as Kinchley's in my eyes. Fried calamari is awesome and great wings like Kinchley's.

Pete, I read about the Star Tavern in an article in the Bergen Record about the best pizza places in NJ.Glad to hear you folks a little south come to Kinchley's.I lived within a mile of there for 35 years, and got a pizza there (mushroom) every week.Funny thing was the same barflies, contractors, were always at the bar when I picked up my pizza.They just aged for 35 years,LOL.I picked one up on the evening of the Feb 1983 snowstorm.Walked in the door to a light , fine snow.Walked out 5 minutes later to 3 inch and hour rate snow that lasted over 6 hours.
They opened right there in 1937 , and the place is pretty much the same as then.

I did a double take reading this Doc. Wasn't sure if you picked up a barfly or a pizza that night Question Smile

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Post by docstox12 Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:43 pm

amugs wrote:The CIA psy ops in this country and with hour military is off the charts on both sides and has been. I know a few high level people in intelligence who have said - do not believe the theatrical show that is being played in front of you. You will be fooled 100% of the time. The behind teh cloak of darkness in the shadows is where the real "things" occur. If they ever showed us in our faces we'd be freaked out. This person was a interrogator of the Taliban, Isis and did 3-4 tours of duty in the middle east and has been to Georgia and Poland 3x in the last 2 years for stints. Heck they are recording what i am writing now and everything we say and speak over the communications. So  many do not want to believe this and that is fine but I have to say sometimes knowing to much is not good.  
Alas on JFK, my wife's uncle was in teh service and he used that rifle the supposedly Oswald knocked off JFK with. His expert range offices in 1969 said during  training there aint no way in hell that operative did that damage from that angle with this gun. and he showed them how long it took to reload that rifle and the accuracy of it at that distance. Then he said boyz, that's all I have to say as a 25 year combat military expert on this rifle, Put the rifle down and went about their business. Uncle Mike tells that story like it was yesterday for him adn he and his mates were left in shock because that is what they were told and informed of. To think anything else yuo were labeled a cook, nut job, wacko, conspiracy theorists etc.

Anyway Kinchley's - I look into it. Doc 1983 was an amazing blizzard as of 8AM CBS FM said maybe 1-3" its going OTS and I was bummed. Then at 1 PM as my teacher came back fro lunch he said we are going to start snowing in about 45 minutes adn its going to be a blizzard - teh whole class erupted in joy!!

I have shot bolt action rifles with a scope and I just can't see how Oswald could do that 6 floors up through the trees on a moving vehicles.Your wife's Uncle confirms my thought.Yes, you had better buy the Warren Report hook line and sinker or you are a whacko nut job conspiracy theorist.Sound familiar,LOL.
Mugsy, that's the storm that Mr G went apes__t on tv that night,LOL.Loved him with Harry Harrison on WCBS-FM in the mornings.Harry hilariously always busted Mr G's chops,LOL.Ahh, happy days.
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