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Banter Thread 7.0

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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by moleson Fri Oct 07, 2022 7:20 am

amugs wrote:SROC, Docstox and Greybeard great convo on the gas situation. Heat or Eat is the motto in Europe. I said this in a post that Molson laughed at. WE HAVE NO IDEA HOW BAD THIS MAY GET. A freind who BIL works as the head financial person for tye Board of Public Utilities aka BPU said Natiral GasnPrices are priced in to rise 60% over the 12 months as planned out from thenSept meeting....if not sooner. Nordstream we totally hand a hand in, it has all the earmarks of US involvement.  The questions are why would Putin or Russia sabatoge their own pipeline and lose all that money? Makes absolutely no sense to logic.
I watched 2 docs on the Fed Reserve and the Cabal that own them. What a farce and they answer to....NO ONE. They are a privately run Cabal that is controlled by the money rulers....the Rothschilds who own the Bank of London which finance the world governments and you kmow what they love???? Wars!! They finance the heck out of these and make trillions, sound famaliar??familiar??? Iraq Afghanistan,  Ukraine, Somalia, Vietnam, Grenada, Faulkan Islands, Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, Yugoslavia break up conflicts with the Serbs, Macedonians, Bosnian fighting, Northern Ireland and the Troubles etc etc. They have a hand in all of these plus.
Now for winter, the PDO is going POSITIVe as per the warn water off the West Coast of America and the Gulf of Alaska has that warm blob that looks ro promote a N EPO and a + PNA as do the SW Aleutians, plus the North Atalntic has a warm blob as well that will look to promote a N NAO.


Q much?


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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by docstox12 Fri Oct 07, 2022 7:22 am

docstox12 wrote:Before the inception of central banks ,like the FED,wars were smaller and more local as they had to be financed by each individual country.That changed after the central banks aka Rothschilds ,started taking over.They fiananced both the Allies AND the Central Powers in WW I.When the FED and permanent ( yes, Income Tax was not permanent) inception of Income Taxes became established in 1913 and the final removal of the gold standard in 1971,the last leash on spending politicians,our national debt has rocketed from around a trillion to 31 now.President Kennedy realized how dangerous the FED and it's globalist cabal of central bankers were, and authorized the issue of US NOTES backed by silver.He had his brains blown out in the middle of the day in a major US city.Not saying the central bankers were behind his murder, but they sure had a motive.
I am not a big fan of Russia, but if we blew up that gas line, I would consider that an act of war if I was on the Russian side.Not only that, it is an idiotic thing do do if Putin was removed or the war was settled.Now Europe suffers from a shortage of nat gas this winter.
Anyway,I think after a bumpy 10 years coming up, a very bright future for everybody is in store.New technologies will make life interesting.This META verse thing is amazing.Plus, with AI and EV's,you would not even have to own a car.You call up a central depot of EV;s with your device, and a driverless EV is at your door for wherever you want to go or whatever you want to do! You don't need auto repair,car insurances and you can use the space in your garage to add to your living area.In spite of the negativity now, I remain optimistic for the longer term.

You sure about that last part Doc. LOL


LOL, wish I could be sure but if you think negatively , it usually turns out that way.Anyhoo, you youngsters will have to work it out, I will be upstairs looking down on you all,LOL.
That clip is great Twilight Zone material.

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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by dkodgis Fri Oct 07, 2022 8:18 am

Doc, you have longevity genes   So you will be around. Let’s hope we all see positive, dramatic change. 

Right now there are many pimples on the derriere of progress.
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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by sroc4 Fri Oct 07, 2022 8:30 am

moleson wrote:
amugs wrote:SROC, Docstox and Greybeard great convo on the gas situation. Heat or Eat is the motto in Europe. I said this in a post that Molson laughed at. WE HAVE NO IDEA HOW BAD THIS MAY GET. A freind who BIL works as the head financial person for tye Board of Public Utilities aka BPU said Natiral GasnPrices are priced in to rise 60% over the 12 months as planned out from thenSept meeting....if not sooner. Nordstream we totally hand a hand in, it has all the earmarks of US involvement.  The questions are why would Putin or Russia sabatoge their own pipeline and lose all that money? Makes absolutely no sense to logic.
I watched 2 docs on the Fed Reserve and the Cabal that own them. What a farce and they answer to....NO ONE. They are a privately run Cabal that is controlled by the money rulers....the Rothschilds who own the Bank of London which finance the world governments and you kmow what they love???? Wars!! They finance the heck out of these and make trillions, sound famaliar??familiar??? Iraq Afghanistan,  Ukraine, Somalia, Vietnam, Grenada, Faulkan Islands, Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, Yugoslavia break up conflicts with the Serbs, Macedonians, Bosnian fighting, Northern Ireland and the Troubles etc etc. They have a hand in all of these plus.
Now for winter, the PDO is going POSITIVe as per the warn water off the West Coast of America and the Gulf of Alaska has that warm blob that looks ro promote a N EPO and a + PNA as do the SW Aleutians, plus the North Atalntic has a warm blob as well that will look to promote a N NAO.


Q much?

Ahh yes Moleson. A man of many words. What words you do use are incredibly inspiring. Thumbs up Your avatar speaks volumes I believe. My question is do you know the full history of where that avatar originates or are you one who has adopted the more recent version of it which essentially is that of an anarchist/activist?

My guess is that A) you probably have no idea what the group Q really is.
B) You're one that hears someone speak against anything that deviates from the rhetoric and immediately lumps them into some sort of right wing group
C) I have a feeling you don't realize that the true origins and symbol of your avatar represents the very thing that Mugs is speaking out against

In the book V-for Vendetta the mask represents those who speak out against.... "the racist, homophobic, neo-fascist Norsefire party has restored postwar order, but at a serious human toll: at gruesome Resettlement Camps, the party imprisoned, tortured, and killed all citizens it deems to be undesirable, including gay people, immigrants, racial minorities, socialists, dissidents, Jewish people, and other non-Christians. The authoritarian Norsefire government, led by Leader Adam Susan, allows its surviving citizens very few freedoms, and they also suffer from food shortages and environmental-induced illnesses. Surveillance cameras record people’s every move and word, any form of dissent is quickly suppressed, and state-produced propaganda, broadcast through The Voice of Fate program fills citizens’ minds with a steady stream of lies and disinformation."

Time to critically think about this stuff. The current groups in charge of this once great country, and that includes government as well as cooperate, are the radicals trying to push a revolution by gaslighting us into thinking we the people are crazy for even questioning the rhetoric. The irony is that they are the racists, they are the socialists, they are the fascists'. They literally are the ones suppressing decent by censoring anything that goes against their narrative. The minute you question you are lumped into some kind of radical group making you into thinking you are crazy, or you are the bad person. Scare tactics

To Gaslight: When you lie or manipulate someone, and make them feel crazy for reacting how they react & make them believe their gut isn’t true. You make them feel like their over reacting once you get them angry, or You get them mad and then make them feel crazy for being mad. Basically When you Manipulate events and situations to make the victim feel crazy, and switch the blame.

You're either one of them Moleson, or you're naïve to what's really happening. Either way it wont work Mr. Anonymous. There are more and more every single day breaking free from being gas lit and are starting to connect dots, one at a time. Keep connecting dots folks.

"In weather and in life, there's no winning and losing; there's only winning and learning."
WINTER 2012/2013 TOTALS 43.65"WINTER 2017/2018 TOTALS 62.85" WINTER 2022/2023 TOTALS 4.9"      
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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by docstox12 Fri Oct 07, 2022 8:52 am

sroc4 wrote:
moleson wrote:
amugs wrote:SROC, Docstox and Greybeard great convo on the gas situation. Heat or Eat is the motto in Europe. I said this in a post that Molson laughed at. WE HAVE NO IDEA HOW BAD THIS MAY GET. A freind who BIL works as the head financial person for tye Board of Public Utilities aka BPU said Natiral GasnPrices are priced in to rise 60% over the 12 months as planned out from thenSept meeting....if not sooner. Nordstream we totally hand a hand in, it has all the earmarks of US involvement.  The questions are why would Putin or Russia sabatoge their own pipeline and lose all that money? Makes absolutely no sense to logic.
I watched 2 docs on the Fed Reserve and the Cabal that own them. What a farce and they answer to....NO ONE. They are a privately run Cabal that is controlled by the money rulers....the Rothschilds who own the Bank of London which finance the world governments and you kmow what they love???? Wars!! They finance the heck out of these and make trillions, sound famaliar??familiar??? Iraq Afghanistan,  Ukraine, Somalia, Vietnam, Grenada, Faulkan Islands, Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, Yugoslavia break up conflicts with the Serbs, Macedonians, Bosnian fighting, Northern Ireland and the Troubles etc etc. They have a hand in all of these plus.
Now for winter, the PDO is going POSITIVe as per the warn water off the West Coast of America and the Gulf of Alaska has that warm blob that looks ro promote a N EPO and a + PNA as do the SW Aleutians, plus the North Atalntic has a warm blob as well that will look to promote a N NAO.


Q much?

Ahh yes Moleson.  A man of many words.   What words you do use are incredibly inspiring.  Thumbs up Your avatar speaks volumes I believe.  My question is do you know the full history of where that avatar originates or are you one who has adopted the more recent version of it which essentially is that of an anarchist/activist?  

My guess is that A) you probably have no idea what the group Q really is.
B) You're one that hears someone speak against anything that deviates from the rhetoric and immediately lumps them into some sort of right wing group
C) I have a feeling you don't realize that the true origins and symbol of your avatar represents the very thing that Mugs is speaking out against

In the book V-for Vendetta the mask represents those who speak out against.... "the racist, homophobic, neo-fascist Norsefire party has restored postwar order, but at a serious human toll: at gruesome Resettlement Camps, the party imprisoned, tortured, and killed all citizens it deems to be undesirable, including gay people, immigrants, racial minorities, socialists, dissidents, Jewish people, and other non-Christians. The authoritarian Norsefire government, led by Leader Adam Susan, allows its surviving citizens very few freedoms, and they also suffer from food shortages and environmental-induced illnesses. Surveillance cameras record people’s every move and word, any form of dissent is quickly suppressed, and state-produced propaganda, broadcast through The Voice of Fate program fills citizens’ minds with a steady stream of lies and disinformation."

Time to critically think about this stuff. The current groups in charge of this once great country, and that includes government as well as cooperate, are the radicals trying to push a revolution by gaslighting us into thinking we the people are crazy for even questioning the rhetoric.  The irony is that they are the racists, they are the socialists, they are the fascists'.  They literally are the ones suppressing decent by censoring anything that goes against their narrative.  The minute you question you are lumped into some kind of radical group making you into thinking you are crazy, or you are the bad person.  Scare tactics

To Gaslight: When you lie or manipulate someone, and make them feel crazy for reacting how they react & make them believe their gut isn’t true. You make them feel like their over reacting once you get them angry, or You get them mad and then make them feel crazy for being mad. Basically When you Manipulate events and situations to make the victim feel crazy, and switch the blame.

You're either one of them Moleson, or you're naïve to what's really happening.  Either way it wont work Mr. Anonymous.  There are more and more every single day breaking free from being gas lit and are starting to connect dots, one at a time.  Keep connecting dots folks.    

I would see that mask on Antifa and BurnLoot Murder "peaceful protestors" (as the city burned behind the clueless CNN reporter).
Look at what has happened in colleges today, so called "institutions of higher learning" where anybody with a conservative viewpoint is mercilessly hounded and rooted out.Art Laffer, a conservative economist, was scheduled to speak at a SUNY and the leftists screamed at him and threatened him with physical violence.LOL, parents spend 60,000 a year to turn their kids into socialists.Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens bravely go in to these colleges and debate the leftist students and many times the leftists just give them the finger, turn around,scream and walk out.So much for "constructive dialogue" and "tolerance".They are tolerant as long as you say what they want to hear.
Glad to see there are people who think like mugs,doc and myself out there.
It is a free country and a free board here, so Moleson is free to post.But we have the right to push back too.
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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by sroc4 Fri Oct 07, 2022 9:14 am

If you want to know more about Moleson's avatar and the evolution of its symbolism from earliest reference to most recent google key words:

1) Guy Fawkes

2) Movie V for Vendetta

3) the internet group Anonymous

"In weather and in life, there's no winning and losing; there's only winning and learning."
WINTER 2012/2013 TOTALS 43.65"WINTER 2017/2018 TOTALS 62.85" WINTER 2022/2023 TOTALS 4.9"      
WINTER 2013/2014 TOTALS 64.85"WINTER 2018/2019 TOTALS 14.25" WINTER 2023/2024 TOTALS 13.1"
WINTER 2014/2015 TOTALS 71.20"WINTER 2019/2020 TOTALS 6.35"   WINTER 2024/2025 TOTALS 1.75"
WINTER 2015/2016 TOTALS 35.00"WINTER 2020/2021 TOTALS 37.75"
WINTER 2016/2017 TOTALS 42.25"WINTER 2021/2022 TOTALS 31.65" 

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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by moleson Fri Oct 07, 2022 8:39 pm

I know quite a bit about Q. It has run its course. You Guys are Fawked up.

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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by moleson Fri Oct 07, 2022 10:19 pm

sroc4 wrote:
moleson wrote:
amugs wrote:SROC, Docstox and Greybeard great convo on the gas situation. Heat or Eat is the motto in Europe. I said this in a post that Molson laughed at. WE HAVE NO IDEA HOW BAD THIS MAY GET. A freind who BIL works as the head financial person for tye Board of Public Utilities aka BPU said Natiral GasnPrices are priced in to rise 60% over the 12 months as planned out from thenSept meeting....if not sooner. Nordstream we totally hand a hand in, it has all the earmarks of US involvement.  The questions are why would Putin or Russia sabatoge their own pipeline and lose all that money? Makes absolutely no sense to logic.
I watched 2 docs on the Fed Reserve and the Cabal that own them. What a farce and they answer to....NO ONE. They are a privately run Cabal that is controlled by the money rulers....the Rothschilds who own the Bank of London which finance the world governments and you kmow what they love???? Wars!! They finance the heck out of these and make trillions, sound famaliar??familiar??? Iraq Afghanistan,  Ukraine, Somalia, Vietnam, Grenada, Faulkan Islands, Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, Yugoslavia break up conflicts with the Serbs, Macedonians, Bosnian fighting, Northern Ireland and the Troubles etc etc. They have a hand in all of these plus.
Now for winter, the PDO is going POSITIVe as per the warn water off the West Coast of America and the Gulf of Alaska has that warm blob that looks ro promote a N EPO and a + PNA as do the SW Aleutians, plus the North Atalntic has a warm blob as well that will look to promote a N NAO.


Q much?

Ahh yes Moleson.  A man of many words.   What words you do use are incredibly inspiring.  Thumbs up Your avatar speaks volumes I believe.  My question is do you know the full history of where that avatar originates or are you one who has adopted the more recent version of it which essentially is that of an anarchist/activist?  

My guess is that A) you probably have no idea what the group Q really is.
B) You're one that hears someone speak against anything that deviates from the rhetoric and immediately lumps them into some sort of right wing group
C) I have a feeling you don't realize that the true origins and symbol of your avatar represents the very thing that Mugs is speaking out against

In the book V-for Vendetta the mask represents those who speak out against.... "the racist, homophobic, neo-fascist Norsefire party has restored postwar order, but at a serious human toll: at gruesome Resettlement Camps, the party imprisoned, tortured, and killed all citizens it deems to be undesirable, including gay people, immigrants, racial minorities, socialists, dissidents, Jewish people, and other non-Christians. The authoritarian Norsefire government, led by Leader Adam Susan, allows its surviving citizens very few freedoms, and they also suffer from food shortages and environmental-induced illnesses. Surveillance cameras record people’s every move and word, any form of dissent is quickly suppressed, and state-produced propaganda, broadcast through The Voice of Fate program fills citizens’ minds with a steady stream of lies and disinformation."

Time to critically think about this stuff. The current groups in charge of this once great country, and that includes government as well as cooperate, are the radicals trying to push a revolution by gaslighting us into thinking we the people are crazy for even questioning the rhetoric.  The irony is that they are the racists, they are the socialists, they are the fascists'.  They literally are the ones suppressing decent by censoring anything that goes against their narrative.  The minute you question you are lumped into some kind of radical group making you into thinking you are crazy, or you are the bad person.  Scare tactics

To Gaslight: When you lie or manipulate someone, and make them feel crazy for reacting how they react & make them believe their gut isn’t true. You make them feel like their over reacting once you get them angry, or You get them mad and then make them feel crazy for being mad. Basically When you Manipulate events and situations to make the victim feel crazy, and switch the blame.

You're either one of them Moleson, or you're naïve to what's really happening.  Either way it wont work Mr. Anonymous.  There are more and more every single day breaking free from being gas lit and are starting to connect dots, one at a time.  Keep connecting dots folks.    

Hahaha. You must be real fun at parties.

Us against them. Is that how you view everything? I sure don’t.

I’m just a big Alan Moore fan. Simple as that. And I get the deeper meanings you allude to. They are not that deep. You and mugs just like to pretend you’re smart. On a weather board. Doc is smart. His posts are thoughtful.


And I can Google too.

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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by docstox12 Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:22 am

I Googled Alan Moore and read he is a comic guy.Brings back memories of buying DC Comic "Superman" for 10 cents in the late 50's.Had a few 2 foot stacks of comics that my Mom gave to my then young Neice and Nephews to color on,LOL.Probably a couple of thousand down the drain there,LOL.
Then,in 1962 these came out:


I bet Moore would love these,LOL.Had an entire original set now worth over 5000, but again, they were lost.Bought a repro set years back Topps came out with for 25 bucks.The cards were so violent, parents made such a stink that they were pulled from the market.The one card that provokes the most rage is "destroying a dog".

Downside of the internet is we are not all sitting together in a room to discuss various issues.I have friends and family of all political beliefs, but I get along with them all.

Now, let's get a nice snowstorm to track so we can concentrate on what the board does best...tracking!
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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by amugs Sun Oct 09, 2022 10:06 am

Well stated Doc and SROC.
If you speak out against the grain or thier side then you get attacked as I've been on social media platforms, at work, even by some freinds and family members by doing just this. Talking critically against thier "belief".
Everyone has a right to express their opinions in America as is stated by our founding fathers and the laws that we are to ABIDE by by this great republic documents - Bill of Rights and Constitution. If you do not like that then its your decision what you wish to do from there.
Th emask is demonic representatoin that goes back in time to medieval times but to each his own.
So when I say we are on cycle of bad times and we are being controlled by these said people's in many ways from our medicine to our food to our money and now our rights I am Q or a conspiracy theorist? Where did that word come from conspiracy? Anyone? The JFK asssiination by the warren Commission invented by.....the CIA an NGO of the US Government. An army sharp shooter/marksman who was the range corporal for my wifes uncle's unit testified but was dismissed by the Warren Commission. How do I know, my wife's uncle's freely tells teh story of this range corporal. The higher ups vouched for it when asked as to why he was not at the range for a few days with the unit and he even told them, Oswald with that gun could not have done this by himslef or with that gun on the front head shots. The rear shot possibly but even that he believed was strecth due to the physics of the car movement and his position relative to the car.
I have learned even thorugh my personal situations whetehr work, medical, governmental/law, and science that we are to self advocate and question the what to teh why and the why to the what. Sience is NOT a settled answer but an explanantiona as to why we believe this is or has happened. We are always learning and we always make mistakes and shame on us for making the same mistakes multiple times and knowingly make mistakes with information that tells us otherwise (Spansih American War "The Maine" and Pulitzer, Iraq War Rewind and weapons of mass destruction?, Somolia? Tuskegee Experiment, MK Ultra). You need to investigate and use multiple indepenedent sources of good investigative reports not main stream which has been sadly tainted over the years. Research the Smith Mundt Act in 2011 (https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th/house-bill/5736) and this changed the whole dynamics of all media in this country allowing for suppression of information (aka censorship) and brainwashing narratives to be allowed.

My wholehearted faith and trust is in one person without question, God, who will never steer his children wrong or leave my side.

Things are going to get bad as I have stated and I take no solace in saying such but will rebound as we always do.

"You ain't seen/heard nothing yet" as by Al Jolson - I think Doc saw a few if his performances growing up LOL!!

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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by sroc4 Sun Oct 09, 2022 10:17 am

moleson wrote:
sroc4 wrote:
moleson wrote:
amugs wrote:SROC, Docstox and Greybeard great convo on the gas situation. Heat or Eat is the motto in Europe. I said this in a post that Molson laughed at. WE HAVE NO IDEA HOW BAD THIS MAY GET. A freind who BIL works as the head financial person for tye Board of Public Utilities aka BPU said Natiral GasnPrices are priced in to rise 60% over the 12 months as planned out from thenSept meeting....if not sooner. Nordstream we totally hand a hand in, it has all the earmarks of US involvement.  The questions are why would Putin or Russia sabatoge their own pipeline and lose all that money? Makes absolutely no sense to logic.
I watched 2 docs on the Fed Reserve and the Cabal that own them. What a farce and they answer to....NO ONE. They are a privately run Cabal that is controlled by the money rulers....the Rothschilds who own the Bank of London which finance the world governments and you kmow what they love???? Wars!! They finance the heck out of these and make trillions, sound famaliar??familiar??? Iraq Afghanistan,  Ukraine, Somalia, Vietnam, Grenada, Faulkan Islands, Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, Yugoslavia break up conflicts with the Serbs, Macedonians, Bosnian fighting, Northern Ireland and the Troubles etc etc. They have a hand in all of these plus.
Now for winter, the PDO is going POSITIVe as per the warn water off the West Coast of America and the Gulf of Alaska has that warm blob that looks ro promote a N EPO and a + PNA as do the SW Aleutians, plus the North Atalntic has a warm blob as well that will look to promote a N NAO.


Q much?

Ahh yes Moleson.  A man of many words.   What words you do use are incredibly inspiring.  Thumbs up Your avatar speaks volumes I believe.  My question is do you know the full history of where that avatar originates or are you one who has adopted the more recent version of it which essentially is that of an anarchist/activist?  

My guess is that A) you probably have no idea what the group Q really is.
B) You're one that hears someone speak against anything that deviates from the rhetoric and immediately lumps them into some sort of right wing group
C) I have a feeling you don't realize that the true origins and symbol of your avatar represents the very thing that Mugs is speaking out against

In the book V-for Vendetta the mask represents those who speak out against.... "the racist, homophobic, neo-fascist Norsefire party has restored postwar order, but at a serious human toll: at gruesome Resettlement Camps, the party imprisoned, tortured, and killed all citizens it deems to be undesirable, including gay people, immigrants, racial minorities, socialists, dissidents, Jewish people, and other non-Christians. The authoritarian Norsefire government, led by Leader Adam Susan, allows its surviving citizens very few freedoms, and they also suffer from food shortages and environmental-induced illnesses. Surveillance cameras record people’s every move and word, any form of dissent is quickly suppressed, and state-produced propaganda, broadcast through The Voice of Fate program fills citizens’ minds with a steady stream of lies and disinformation."

Time to critically think about this stuff. The current groups in charge of this once great country, and that includes government as well as cooperate, are the radicals trying to push a revolution by gaslighting us into thinking we the people are crazy for even questioning the rhetoric.  The irony is that they are the racists, they are the socialists, they are the fascists'.  They literally are the ones suppressing decent by censoring anything that goes against their narrative.  The minute you question you are lumped into some kind of radical group making you into thinking you are crazy, or you are the bad person.  Scare tactics

To Gaslight: When you lie or manipulate someone, and make them feel crazy for reacting how they react & make them believe their gut isn’t true. You make them feel like their over reacting once you get them angry, or You get them mad and then make them feel crazy for being mad. Basically When you Manipulate events and situations to make the victim feel crazy, and switch the blame.

You're either one of them Moleson, or you're naïve to what's really happening.  Either way it wont work Mr. Anonymous.  There are more and more every single day breaking free from being gas lit and are starting to connect dots, one at a time.  Keep connecting dots folks.    

Hahaha. You must be real fun at parties.

Us against them. Is that how you view everything?  I sure don’t.

I’m just a big Alan Moore fan. Simple as that. And I get the deeper meanings you allude to. They are not that deep. You and mugs just like to pretend you’re smart. On a weather board. Doc is smart. His posts are thoughtful.


  And I can Google too.

I’m glad you took my advise and googled too. Lol. See a few posts above. Look friend. Your avatar is not a secret. Even if you chose it because it looked cool doesn’t mean others don’t know what it meant. Up until recently you had 29 total posts to your name. When you come on randomly and post a couple of laughing emojis and a single sentence lumping a board member into a group without knowing anything but what you read in a few posts on a weather board, that’s what the kids these days call “A Troll”. If you have an opinion that perhaps differs or if you have information that contradicts what someone says and can back it up with respectful discussion by all means have it.

But if you continue to troll the internet you’re not welcome here.

All we ask is to be respectful

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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by docstox12 Sun Oct 09, 2022 7:15 pm

amugs wrote:Well stated Doc and SROC.
If you speak out against the grain or thier side then you get attacked as I've been on social media platforms, at work, even by some freinds and family members by doing just this. Talking critically against thier "belief".
Everyone has a right to express their opinions in America as is stated by our founding fathers and the laws that we are to ABIDE by by this great republic documents - Bill of Rights and Constitution. If you do not like that then its your decision what you wish to do from there.
Th emask is demonic representatoin that goes back in time to medieval times but to each his own.
So when I say we are on cycle of bad times and we are being controlled by these said people's in many ways from our medicine to our food to our money and now our rights I am Q or a conspiracy theorist?  Where did that word come from conspiracy? Anyone? The JFK asssiination by the warren Commission invented by.....the CIA an NGO of the US Government. An army sharp shooter/marksman who was the range corporal for my wifes uncle's unit testified but was dismissed by the Warren Commission. How do I know, my wife's uncle's freely tells teh story of this range corporal. The higher ups vouched for it when asked as to why he was not at the range for a few days with the unit and he even told them, Oswald with that gun could not have done this by himslef or with that gun on the front head shots. The rear shot possibly but even that he believed was strecth due to the physics of the car movement and his position relative to the car.  
I have learned even thorugh my personal situations whetehr work, medical, governmental/law, and science that we are to self advocate and question the what to teh why and the why to the what. Sience is NOT a settled answer but an explanantiona as to why we believe this is or has happened. We are always learning and we always make mistakes and shame on us for making the same mistakes multiple times and knowingly make mistakes with information that tells us otherwise (Spansih American War "The Maine" and Pulitzer, Iraq War Rewind and weapons of mass destruction?, Somolia? Tuskegee Experiment, MK Ultra). You need to investigate and use multiple indepenedent sources of good investigative reports not main stream which has been sadly tainted over the years. Research the Smith Mundt Act in 2011 (https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th/house-bill/5736) and this changed the whole dynamics of all media in this country allowing for suppression of information (aka censorship) and brainwashing narratives to be allowed.

My wholehearted faith and trust is in one person without question, God, who will never steer his children wrong or leave my side.

Things are going to get bad as I have stated and I take no solace in saying such but will rebound as we always do.

"You ain't seen/heard nothing yet" as by Al Jolson - I think Doc saw a few if his performances growing up LOL!!

Hey Mugsy, when I first saw Al Jolson he was the new kid on the block,LOL.

I have read many books and spent hundreds of hours studying the Kennedy Assassination and find that there were powerful interests who would have been glad to see him dead.The wealthy Texas oil men, like DH Byrd, owner of the Texas School Book Depository Building and head of the Texas Civilian Air Patrol whom Lee Oswald  was a member, was one of them.JFK wanted to greatly reduce the oil depreciation tax credit which would have cost these wealthy oil men billions.The Mafia, Carlos Marcello, had an interest because JFK's Dad approached them before the 1960 election to get votes swung to JFK.The mob probably expected quid pro quo, but JFK appointed RFK ad Attorney General, and he went after the mob relentlessly.That was a double cross and we know you don't do that to the Mafia.The CIA had it in for JFK  as JFK was going to bust them down to their original OSS function of just spying, and not regime change like the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.JFK in 1963 wanted to issue US Notes backed in silver to get rid of the FED.Billions would be lost by globalist Central Bankers like the Rothschilds, so there was a motive to kill him.JFK signed a National Security Memorandum two weeks before his death in November 1963 authorizing the pull out of all US advisors in Viet Nam, maybe 10,000, by the end of 1964.LBJ and his military industrial complex war buddies would lose billions in the war that LBJ started with the phony staged Gulf of Tonkin incident to drag us into the war.J Edgar Hoover, a good friend and neighbor of LBJ, was detested by the Kennedy's but they could not do anything as Hoover had film and tape of their multiple extra marital affairs.Hoover was going to have to go as 65 was the mandatory retirement age, which he would have reached in a second Kennedy term.When Johnson became president, I heard a tape of him at a press conference with Hoover waiving the mandatory retirement with LBJ saying "Well, J Edgar , you are just too valuable a man to lose to retirement".Hoover kept his job and helped cover up the Kennedy assassination with false autopsy photos that 25 Doctors at Parkland Hospital, Dallas, where JFK was brought, that verified those as phoney.The FBI covered up the one fingerprint found on a cardboard box in the sniper's nest ,Oswald's perch in the Texas School Book Depository Building.In 1993 or 1997, that fingerprint was released , and an investigator took it to one of the nation's foremost latent fingerprint examiners, Nathan Darby with many years of experience.Darby verified the print as a pinky finger of Malcolm Wallace, a button man for LBJ.Billy Sol Estes, a partner in LBJ's corrupt operation stealing federal cotton allotments for Texas, testified before a Texas Grand Jury in 1984 in Austin, that LBJ murdered many people, including his own sister, a drug addicted ,boozing floozy.The Kennedy's were going to dump LBJ in the 1964 campaign plus LBJ was heading to prison for his corruption.LBJ had an interest in seeing Kennedy dead.
I have fired rifles like the model Oswald had, and to make shots six stories up on a moving target through trees while reloading each cartridge, to me, is impossible.Professional assassinations are always triangulated to make sure it is done right.
I could go on and on here, but the full truth will come out.In 2027, all records will be released, ridiculously after everybody involved will be dead.I bet a lot of young people under 20 don't even know who Kennedy was, much less know the details I do or care to know.No problem there, what do we old timers know about the McKinnely assassination in 1901 or 02.We learned many years after the Lusitania was sunk in 1915, outrageously we were taught in school by German U Boats, as it was an innocent passenger ship.Truth was found later that it was carrying weapons to help the Allies and the Germans, who had warned us about shipping munitions to England, had every right to sink it.How about the mysterious removal of our two aircraft carriers two weeks before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor? Did Roosevelt and the military know and sacrificed 3500 men to get us into WW II?
Enough mysteries to last a lifetime.
When we get home,Mugsy, we will finally learn the truth of all of this.
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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by amugs Sun Oct 09, 2022 8:25 pm

Your posts is remarkable and hits home my points. Tremendously in depth post on JFK. Add this, my grandmother work at FBI headquarters in NYC for the head of the bureau. She would take the "ticker tape" off the teleprompter machine in the office and bring it to her boss. The day she brought the news of the JFK assassination to her boss his words were OMG they got him. I'll leave it that.

So true and then and only then we will know.

Let's get back to tracking the impending cold and storms like you said.

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Post by amugs Sun Oct 09, 2022 8:27 pm

Made some homemade Granola, house smells phenomenal. Had to put the fireplace on to take the chill out of the home!

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Post by amugs Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:39 am

If this warm blob holds in the NE PAC then winter may start fast like in 13-14?
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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by GreyBeard Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:22 pm

Home heating oil now has surpassed $5.00 a gallon. Looks like gasoline prices are soon to follow. I fear the worst is yet to come...


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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by docstox12 Tue Oct 11, 2022 5:20 am

GreyBeard wrote:Home heating oil now has surpassed $5.00 a gallon. Looks like gasoline prices are soon to follow. I fear the worst is yet to come...


The release from the SPR temporarily dropped oil prices but with that to end eventually, oil prices were going to head back up.Biden going hat in hand to Saudi Arabia to beg Opec to produce more oil is blowing up in his face now.Rather than shut Keystone down and declaring war on O &G, we could be producing more oil and avoiding what Greybeard has posted.Refining capacity is at 94% as only one new refinery has come on line in the last 20 years.Nobody wants to invest and build in that with politicians jumping on green energy.Warren Buffet has taken a major position in an oil stock so the old fox knows where the money will be made, in oil and gas stocks as a result of these rising prices.
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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by amugs Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:15 pm

docstox12 wrote:
GreyBeard wrote:Home heating oil now has surpassed $5.00 a gallon. Looks like gasoline prices are soon to follow. I fear the worst is yet to come...


The release from the SPR temporarily dropped oil prices but with that to end eventually, oil prices were going to head back up.Biden going hat in hand to Saudi Arabia to beg Opec to produce more oil is blowing up in his face now.Rather than shut Keystone down and declaring war on O &G, we could be producing more oil and avoiding what Greybeard has posted.Refining capacity is at 94% as only one new refinery has come on line in the last 20 years.Nobody wants to invest and build in that with politicians jumping on green energy.Warren Buffet has taken a major position in an oil stock so the old fox knows where the money will be made, in oil and gas stocks as a result of these rising prices.

Follow the $$$ my man an dyou'll make some too!!! I've been in energy since last Spetember and saw this coming after much research that summer. Not tooting my horn and percious metals as well i've been into buying tangible commodities and funds.

Euro weeklies for Snow up until Turkey day - take with grain of salt!

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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by amugs Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:21 pm

amugs wrote:
docstox12 wrote:
GreyBeard wrote:Home heating oil now has surpassed $5.00 a gallon. Looks like gasoline prices are soon to follow. I fear the worst is yet to come...


The release from the SPR temporarily dropped oil prices but with that to end eventually, oil prices were going to head back up.Biden going hat in hand to Saudi Arabia to beg Opec to produce more oil is blowing up in his face now.Rather than shut Keystone down and declaring war on O &G, we could be producing more oil and avoiding what Greybeard has posted.Refining capacity is at 94% as only one new refinery has come on line in the last 20 years.Nobody wants to invest and build in that with politicians jumping on green energy.Warren Buffet has taken a major position in an oil stock so the old fox knows where the money will be made, in oil and gas stocks as a result of these rising prices.

Follow the $$$ my man an dyou'll make some too!!! I've been in energy since last Spetember and saw this coming after much research that summer. Not tooting my horn and percious metals as well i've been into buying tangible commodities and funds.

Euro weeklies for Snow up until Turkey day - take with grain of salt!

Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 FeyyRWzXoAABqGk?format=png&name=small

Great qucik video on Green Energy by Stossel

Also watch teh Planet of teh Humans as well by michale Moore who got panned, semi cacnelled by his peers for doing that documentary. Had 3 hours of film and research but condensed it into 1 hr38min plus timeframe

After much research the Eenrgy Quotinet E=E - amount of energy input to the energy ouput must be at least 10% or gerater to be apperciable which Green is negative on that formula comparatively. Meaning its input is far greater than its output. And it does more harm than good to our precious environemt in MANY ways not told nor seen, you have to dig up info to get this research but its out there.
3...2...1 Moleson - Q much response coming my way? LOL!!

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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by GreyBeard Tue Oct 11, 2022 2:05 pm

Great video Mugs.I see California is now saying no more sales of ICE (internal combustion engines) vehicles starting in 2035. NY is onboard too.


What about people who live in apartment buildings.How are they supposed to charge their vehicles? Many families have 3 or four cars,are they all going to be able to charge their vehicles at the same time? Our power grid isn't up to the task.

As it stands now, this is how electric vehicles work. It's a cartoon but not far from the truth.Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Electr11

I agree that unless they go back to nuclear power as the main source of power generation if they want fewer emissions, the whole electric car dream will be just that, a dream.

A neighbor of mine had to get her daughter a passport asap back in January 2020 for her daughter to go on a cruise her friend invited her on. Turned out that if she needed the passport that soon she would have to go to Vermont in order to get it in time, due to covid complictions. She didn't want to use her personal car so the family decided to rent an electric vehicle to check it out. I think she said it was a Chevy Volt.  Well she was not too thrilled with the experience. She said they had to pull off and find a charging station every hour, relying on GPS to find a charging station, and couldn't use the heater,wipers and radio at the same time because of the battery drain. What was normally a 4 hr. trip took them 12 hrs. I don't think she will be in the market anytime soon.


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Post by docstox12 Tue Oct 11, 2022 3:10 pm

Best bet if you want to do some EV is a hybrid.The smaller gas engine charges the battery.
Always wished they would have gone the fuel cell route, either with hydrogen or something else.No batteries to dispose of or charging issues and limited driving ranges.
I can see the day years from now when a power company brings in a suitcase sized fuel cell into your home and hooks it to the electric panel to run the house for 6 months.All high voltage transmission lines and towers, and electric street poles and wires would be gone.Billions saved in infrastructure repairs and the landscape becomes beautiful with all those ugly towers on the mountains gone.Nikola Tesla, one of my 10 greatest men ever, wanted to transmit electricity wirelessly! Your internet , phone and tv would all be wireless with a small cube box on the side of your home.You could run street lights on poles with solar panels .
Greybeard is spot on, the aging electrical infrastructure cannot support the load massive EV use would drain.Hilariously, the day after that California 2035 announcement by Newsome, he begged people not to charge their vehicles at night due to power concerns,LOL.Will these leftist greenie politicians ever learn?This is going to be a 50 year turnover, not the 13 years they think it will happen.
Greybeard, heard those Chevy Volts are "shockingly" bad!
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Post by dkodgis Tue Oct 11, 2022 3:33 pm

Right now at night, the grid cannot handle night charging. Rates for Orange and Rockland  can’t go up more than 3.9%. However, co-generation fuel costs are going up and though right now the soaring rates will put political pressure on rates. Eventually rates will sour charging EVs. Also I can’t see mowing two acres withan electric tractor.
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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by GreyBeard Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:47 pm

Doc, what you heard about those Chevy Volts is no joke. How would you like to get this bill with 70,000 miles on your car?

Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Cost_o10

And this from Volvo.


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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by docstox12 Wed Oct 12, 2022 5:22 am

GreyBeard wrote:Doc, what you heard about those Chevy Volts is no joke. How would you like to get this bill with 70,000 miles on your car?

Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Cost_o10

And this from Volvo.


LMAO, Greybeard, may as well dispose of it and get a new car.That is a crime the cost of that battery.Back in the 60'S, you could pick up a good used car for less than 100 bucks.Sold my 1959 Ford in 1970 for 85 bucks.
How are people of lesser mean going to afford the cost of EV's and then maintain them as per this invoice you posted?
I am still waiting for a greenie to answer this question:
Millions of years ago in the Lower Hudson Valley where I sit typing this, there would be water over my head.Then, millions of years later, 100 feet of ice......all before man produced any C02.Seems to me the earth will do what it wants to do, Green New Deal be damned!
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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by HectorO Thu Oct 13, 2022 8:18 pm

Is there no longer a long range thread? No winter predictions?
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Banter Thread 7.0 - Page 21 Empty Re: Banter Thread 7.0

Post by amugs Thu Oct 13, 2022 8:50 pm

HectorO wrote:Is there no longer a long range thread? No winter predictions?

Let's start one eh?

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Post by amugs Sat Oct 15, 2022 10:12 am

What happens when we can not "Strategically" replenish this reserve? What then??

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