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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by docstox12 Thu Mar 22, 2018 1:56 pm

TheAresian wrote:One day I walked into my doctor's office with a frog on my head.

The doctor asked "What's wrong?"

The frog replied "For starters, can you remove this ugly lump on my backside?"

lol! lol! lol! lol!

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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:08 pm

docstox12 wrote:
CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:I still have to say the thing I love best about this place is not having to put my titles at the end of each posting. It has definitely saved me 30 to 45 minutes each day of typing time.

There's too much structure on OTI, it's starting to feel like a prison any time I go back.

Well you can have your pity party here on OOTI but we have an Island to run and OTI is the seat of it's operation! Without OTI there is no OOTI, you have created OOTI at the indulgence of OTI Parliament who have magnanimously decided to liberally interpret Attorney General Billg's ruling as per the illegality of OOTI.It's fine to keep OOTI alive (of course, with permission of Emperor Frank) but you must fulfill your duties back on OTI.OOTI will stay alive , OTI can actually benefit by sending the worst cases at the OTI Sanitarium, the Incurable Deplorables as it were!


xxxxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxxxx

lol! lol! lol! lol!  Love It


xxxxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx

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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:49 pm

With all these x's I feel like I'm looking at the score sheet of a really good bowler or my movie rental history.


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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Thu Mar 22, 2018 3:52 pm

TheAresian wrote:With all these x's I feel like I'm looking at the score sheet of a really good bowler or my movie rental history.

lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!


xxxxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxx
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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2018 5:57 pm

One of my escaped patients posted this on the main boards. I think he needs to be brought back to me or ya e a meeting with SNOWMAN

Let's face Spring will be here Wednesday my Birthday. It will not snow according to NWS they the Pros so I go with the Pros! Get those lawnmowers ready you will be using them before ya know it!

The potential for significant impacts from a coastal storm Monday
night through Wednesday night has decreased from previous forecasts.
However, given the uncertainty in the track of the storm 3 to 5 days
out, it is still too soon to dismiss the threat of heavy rain, wet
snow, strong winds and coastal flooding.

It was in the weather education thread Shocked

Real bright guy this one


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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:22 pm

If all somebody is going to do is just go with whatever the pros say, then why in the flying blue hell (Not my first choice, but we are a family friendly board) bother coming to the board?

"Hi guys!!! I just came here of my own volition to a forum full of weather enthusiasts to say that I don't give a rat's ass about what any of you think because I get the Weather Channel!!! Yaaayyyy me!!!!"

I might need a vacation. I really like this board and the people on it, but there are times I feel like we extend civility a touch too far.


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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:24 pm

TheAresian wrote:If all somebody is going to do is just go with whatever the pros say, then why in the flying blue hell (Not my first choice, but we are a family friendly board) bother coming to the board?

"Hi guys!!! I just came here of my own volition to a forum full of weather enthusiasts to say that I don't give a rat's ass about what any of you think because I get the Weather Channel!!! Yaaayyyy me!!!!"

I might need a vacation. I really like this board and the people on it, but there are times I feel like we extend civility a touch too far.

I’m up for an ass kicking or two but the guy won’t respond to me


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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:29 pm

TheAresian wrote:If all somebody is going to do is just go with whatever the pros say, then why in the flying blue hell (Not my first choice, but we are a family friendly board) bother coming to the board?

"Hi guys!!! I just came here of my own volition to a forum full of weather enthusiasts to say that I don't give a rat's ass about what any of you think because I get the Weather Channel!!! Yaaayyyy me!!!!"

I might need a vacation. I really like this board and the people on it, but there are times I feel like we extend civility a touch too far.

If I ever see that son of a bitch on OTI or OOTI, I will bring him to a place on OOOTI that no one knows about yet, and I will give him such a cyber beating his own laptop won't recognize him.
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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:45 pm

I envy guys like Frank, Sroc and Ray for their patience. Maybe it's because I've lived long enough to remember a time when people kept their thoughts to themselves for fear of catching a beating (At least I did. If I had said everything I ever thought, I wouldn't have made it out of elementary school). Now they can sit at home behind their keyboards and let the worst parts of their nature run wild with no fear of consequence.

I once told somebody, and I'm sure it's not an original thought, that the worst part of getting old isn't the gray hair, the balding,the wrinkles or the weight gain. Instead, it's living long enough to see all of the things you remember from your childhood die off.

Good lord, I feel old right now.


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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by docstox12 Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:58 pm

TheAresian wrote:I envy guys like Frank, Sroc and Ray for their patience. Maybe it's because I've lived long enough to remember a time when people kept their thoughts to themselves for fear of catching a beating (At least I did. If I had said everything I ever thought, I wouldn't have made it out of elementary school). Now they can sit at home behind their keyboards and let the worst parts of their nature run wild with no fear of consequence.

I once told somebody, and I'm sure it's not an original thought, that the worst part of getting old isn't the gray hair, the balding,the wrinkles or the weight gain. Instead, it's living long enough to see all of the things you remember from your childhood die off.

Good lord, I feel old right now.  

As CP said, if this clown ever shows up in OTI or OOTI, his a_s is grass! Yes, Frank, Doc , rb and the other moderators run the Mainland Board as they see fit and we must respect that.We do have some autonomy here, however, so it's fair game to beat the s__t verbally out of any one that tries to pull what happened on the Mainland Board.

LOL, it's always the big mouth trouble makers that start it.I've seen bar fights where that happened.And Aresian is right, today in this cyber world. anybody can be an a hole without physical consequence.In my day, you had better back up any wise ass remarks with your fists because that's what you were going to get. So you just minded your own business, and stayed out of harms way.Especially in the shot and beer joints I hung out in back in the 70's, tough blue collar type guys you didn't screw with.
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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by billg315 Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:18 pm

Just want to point out at the moment I type this CP and Syos both have exactly the same # of “Likes”. 119-119.
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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by billg315 Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:18 pm

Both of which exceeds my 102.
[x] Dislike
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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by docstox12 Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:21 pm

billg315 wrote:Just want to point out at the moment I type this CP and Syos both have exactly the same # of “Likes”. 119-119.

Well I'll be hornswoggled (extra credit if you can tell me who said that)! Just like in the battle of the Mainland Snow Capitals, these two are jockeying for the bigger reputation.
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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by docstox12 Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:22 pm

billg315 wrote:Both of which exceeds my 102.
[x] Dislike

And my 79! What am I, chopped liver,LOL.
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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by billg315 Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:24 pm

I just bumped you to 81. Lol
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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:43 pm

billg315 wrote:I just bumped you to 81. Lol

I made it 82. Then I signed up with a fake account and went back and liked all my last 100 posts. I’m golden now


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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2018 10:35 pm

What is this:a contest to see who has more likes? What's next: CP trying to make a deeper hole in the snow that Syo did? I swear... the second we run out of storms to track everything goes to hell in a hand basket..... damn I love this place.

I know Bill is one of us, but I still feel a little weird making off color jokes now. It's like in Young Guns 2 when Pat Garrett put on the sherrif's badge. Has an outlaw become a law man on our beloved OOTI?


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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Thu Mar 22, 2018 11:58 pm

Been working most of the evening and just catching up now. Did I hear correct? Bill is now a moderator?

Our Bill, the OTI citizen that became a Chief Justice, the Chief Justice that became a moderator, the moderator that defied a Grand High Exalted Mystique Ruler. Striking story, but now the people want to know how the story ends.

Having a feeling of dejavu. I’ve seen this scenario play out before, but where, where?

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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by docstox12 Fri Mar 23, 2018 6:15 am

CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:Been working most of the evening and just catching up now. Did I hear correct? Bill is now a moderator?

Our Bill, the OTI citizen that became a Chief Justice, the Chief Justice that became a moderator, the moderator that defied a Grand High Exalted Mystique Ruler. Striking story, but now the people want to know how the story ends.

Having a feeling of dejavu. I’ve seen this scenario play out before, but where, where?


Yes, CP, very telling video there from one of my favorite movies! You see, the fact is that some citizens of OTI are meant to go on to greater things in the Mainland.I offer as an example Former Snow King Mugsy, a founding Father of OTI, who moved on to Mainland weather modeling and forecasting and nary makes an appearance or even makes mention of our wonderful island.I am hoping this unfortunate path does not occur with our talented Attorney General Billg.But if it should, we of OTI should be proud that another of our citizens have moved on to greater things in the Mainland World.We take solace in realizing their characters were molded in a positive direction to help facilitate their upward mobility to Mainland notoriety. I, Docstox, your xxxxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxxxx, will remain steadfasthere on OTI and it's affiliates, as natural selection has deemed it so.Billg, I am sure, will be using his talents in judicial matters to move on to issues in the Mainland of far greater import than individuals in OOTI throwing sand and coconuts at OTI Officials.
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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by docstox12 Fri Mar 23, 2018 6:16 am

syosnow94 wrote:
billg315 wrote:I just bumped you to 81. Lol

I made it 82. Then I signed up with a fake account and went back and liked all my last 100 posts. I’m golden now

Jimmy, you always have my back!! When we get back to OTI, we're going to the Coconut Lounge for a night of carousing!!!
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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by docstox12 Fri Mar 23, 2018 6:18 am

TheAresian wrote:What is this:a contest to see who has more likes? What's next: CP trying to make a deeper hole in the snow that Syo did? I swear... the second we run out of storms to track everything goes to hell in a hand basket..... damn I love this place.

I know Bill is one of us, but I still feel a little weird making off color jokes now. It's like in Young Guns 2 when Pat Garrett put on the sherrif's badge. Has an outlaw become a law man on our beloved OOTI?

Aresian, one of the greatest pleasures of life is finding the world you truly belong in.Congratulations , you have found it here in OTI offshoot, OOTI ( I think).
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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by docstox12 Fri Mar 23, 2018 6:19 am

billg315 wrote:I just bumped you to 81. Lol

Being bumped by a moderator, in this case, a GOOD thing! Congratulations Billg!!!
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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by billg315 Fri Mar 23, 2018 8:59 am

docstox12 wrote:
billg315 wrote:I just bumped you to 81. Lol

Being bumped by a moderator, in this case, a GOOD thing! Congratulations Billg!!!

Thank you Doc! I appreciate the well wishes. I even appreciated CP's post - more for the humor than well-wishes (I think it might have been predicting my premature death by sword, but I'm not sure. Either way, I laughed, so it's a plus).

Hope I can make this island proud in my new role trying to keep order, but with good fun, on the mainland.
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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by Guest Fri Mar 23, 2018 9:41 am

billg315 wrote:
docstox12 wrote:
billg315 wrote:I just bumped you to 81. Lol

Being bumped by a moderator, in this case, a GOOD thing! Congratulations Billg!!!

Thank you Doc! I appreciate the well wishes. I even appreciated CP's post - more for the humor than well-wishes (I think it might have been predicting my premature death by sword, but I'm not sure. Either way, I laughed, so it's a plus).

Hope I can make this island proud in my new role trying to keep order, but with good fun, on the mainland.

Just keep the order
Part on the mainland while we try to sew disorder here. Thanks


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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by CPcantmeasuresnow Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:01 am

syosnow94 wrote:
billg315 wrote:
docstox12 wrote:
billg315 wrote:I just bumped you to 81. Lol

Being bumped by a moderator, in this case, a GOOD thing! Congratulations Billg!!!

Thank you Doc! I appreciate the well wishes. I even appreciated CP's post - more for the humor than well-wishes (I think it might have been predicting my premature death by sword, but I'm not sure. Either way, I laughed, so it's a plus).

Hope I can make this island proud in my new role trying to keep order, but with good fun, on the mainland.

Just keep the order
Part on the mainland while we try to sew disorder here. Thanks

The soundest advice of the day, from one of the least sound minds on OTI, and that's saying a lot. I do include myself in that so take no offense Dir. of mental health services.

Despite our continuing reputation competition I have magnanimously liked your post. Far be it from me to let a friendly wager get in the way of showing my appreciation for sound advice.

I forget what thread I'm on so if I'm on the OTI portion of our thread forgive me for not posting my titles below. If I am on the OOTI thread F you all there are no laws here. And if the new judge in town has anything to say about that I will meet him on a remote area of OOOTI where we will settle this like cyber people settle things.

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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by docstox12 Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:22 am

CPcantmeasuresnow wrote:
syosnow94 wrote:
billg315 wrote:
docstox12 wrote:
billg315 wrote:I just bumped you to 81. Lol

Being bumped by a moderator, in this case, a GOOD thing! Congratulations Billg!!!

Thank you Doc! I appreciate the well wishes. I even appreciated CP's post - more for the humor than well-wishes (I think it might have been predicting my premature death by sword, but I'm not sure. Either way, I laughed, so it's a plus).

Hope I can make this island proud in my new role trying to keep order, but with good fun, on the mainland.

Just keep the order
Part on the mainland while we try to sew disorder here. Thanks

The soundest advice of the day, from one of the least sound minds on OTI, and that's saying a lot. I do include myself in that so take no offense Dir. of mental health services.

Despite our continuing reputation competition I have magnanimously liked your post. Far be it from me to let a friendly wager get in the way of showing my appreciation for sound advice.

I forget what thread I'm on so if I'm on the OTI portion of our thread forgive me for not posting my titles below. If I am on the OOTI thread F you all there are no laws here. And if the new judge in town has anything to say about that I will meet him on a remote area of OOOTI where we will settle this like cyber people settle things.


lol! lol! lol!

Hey, Desperado of OOTI, that wild and troubled land.This is the fate of ALL Desperados!! BE ADVISED!!!!

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OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense - Page 4 Empty Re: OOTI - where using the letters MJO or GLC is a capital offense

Post by Guest Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:38 am

If the fate of all desperados is to be in a John Wayne movie, sign me up. I don't even need a big part in it. List me in the credits as "Moron that The Duke blew to hell in the first minute #3".


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